paps and laser tag

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Beth walked down the hallway, not looking back at Calum.  She really had been up for ten minutes and felt the need to mess with him.  His reaction was priceless.  She honestly did sleep very well.  Yeah, she was still jet-lagged as hell, but she slept some of it off.  She walked to where she heard the voices and saw all the guys on their phones.

"Good morninnnnnnng." Michael said.

"Morning." Beth smirked, still thinking about what she just did to Calum.

"What are you smirking for?" Michael asked.

"Oh, nothing.  Just messing with Cal." 

"And by messing do you mean getting him sexually frustrated?" 

"You could say that." 

"Mornin' boys.  Mornin' mean redhead devil child." 

They all laughed and waited for Beths' reply.

"Mornin squishy faced guy who can't handle me." 

A chorus of 'ooooohs' were heard in the room.  Calum smirked and poured himself a cup of chocolate milk, like everyone else, and grabbed breakfast.  He sat down next to Beth, who was eating as well.  They all got into random conversations, except Luke.  Beth noticed that he was still on his phone.  She didn't know what she was doing, but she had to get to the bottom of it.  


Beth had poured Chester his bowl of food, him happily taking it.  Apparently Mikey had snuck him in his bunk last night and let him sleep with him.  Beth didn't mind, she thought the idea was funny and adorable.  She was in the middle of petting him earlier, and Calum picked him up and just took him away.  So, you could say the guys liked him.

She was borrowing Lukes laptop, doing some college work.  They all weren't doing anything, so she thought that she might as well get another Biology lab over with.  Those things were hard, sometimes.  Gladly, she didn't have anything for Algebra, so she didn't have to bother Mikey. 

"Workin' hard?" 

"Yeah.  This one's kinda hard." 

"I would say 'here let me help', but we both know I'd make you fail that." 

"Yeah, you probably would." Beth joked.

Calum laughed and put his arm around her.  "When do you think you're gonna go?" 

"If I could go at any time, I would go for it.  I guess I just want to explore and I'm ready to get out of London." 

"So, you're saying, that if you could go now, you'd go for it?" 

"After this little vacation, of course, yeah." 


"What do you think of it?" 

"I think it's a good idea.  I live in Australia, so I could come see you and stuff." 

"Oh, good.  I was hoping you'd like that idea.  That's what I was trying to tell you the other night on face-time." 


"Yeah.  I just, I don't know.  Whenever I'd have a long day and get to the apartment, it didn't feel like home.  I just felt it was a place that I sleep at." 


"Yeah.  I was curious the other night and looked at some small cottages and one was on a little private beach and I'm in love with it." 

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