✰•blurred years pt.2•✰

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P A R T 2

I m a g i n e : Finn was kidnapped 3 years ago, and forced into a dangerous gang. You spent all those years looking for him, because before he was taken, you two were in love.
But what if he's changed more than you thought?
Will there still be some of the old Finn inside him?

You and Finn are 18-19 years old.

Word Count : 2430

[ C O N T I N U E D ] : ↴


"finn, you son of a bitch."
quincy mumbled jokingly while he stared at the map, happy that you two finally pin pointed finn's location.

"well, let's go rescue our bitch."
you stated, your spirits were finally lifted after years of despair.

you and quincy walked over to the room where you stored your self- defense weapons because of fear that the gang could burst open your front door and take you all out.

this town changed a lot since finn disappeared and the gang started hitting places, so people are a lot more cautious of who they trust and how they defend themselves.

you loaded 2 guns and a dagger into your duffel bag while quincy grabbed the bullets.

you two put on all black outfits to prevent anyone from seeing you, and used the night sky as a blanket of protection.

because finn used to be a big teenage star, everyone knew who you were and who quincy was.
so you two were the first people the police suspected and questioned about finn's disappearance, somehow making you two bad people as well.

so you two kept a low profile, a secluded life.

you two walked out to your impala stashed in the garage to prevent people from seeing the license plate , and throw your bags into the trunk before you slip into the drivers seat, turning the key into the ignition with a hum.

you and quincy rode under the night as cover, and eventually found your way to the warehouse you had declared finn to be.

it was a large wooden warehouse, parts of the walls looked like they were missing, and beams stuck out of the roof.

but there was one thing bothering you.

why would finn all of a sudden start leaving clues for you to unknowingly follow, 2 years after his disappearance?

you clutched the steering wheel, staring up at the eerie warehouse, just the thought of finn possibly being inside made you leap.

"you ready?"
quincy asked, his hand holding your shoulder reassuringly.

you looked over at your brother, and exhaled, nodding slowly before you quickly cleared your emotions so you could focus on getting finn back.

you two grabbed the duffel bag before walking stealthily towards the side of the warehouse-

"well, look what we got here !"
a voice called out from behind you and quincy, making you flinch as you two froze.

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