✰•romeo & juliet Pt.1•✰

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P a r t  1

I m a g i n eHaving a huge crush on your best friend, Finn, and when you both get cast into the high school play "Romeo and Juliet", you're cast as 'Juliet' , and Finn is cast as 'Romeo'.
  But were either of you really acting?

A/N: i thought this imagine was too long for one chapter so I made it into two parts ;)


  "Jane, I can't do this! I'm so stupid for auditioning for Juliet, I didn't think I'd actually get in!"
You ranted in a panicked tone to your best friend, Jane, as you were waiting behind the dimly lit backstage curtain in the auditorium for the play to begin so you and the cast could go on stage.

"Y/N, everything's gonna be fine. You're really overreacting, and I mean, it's just Finn. He's your best friend, so kissing him shouldn't be that bad. Especially since you like-.."
Jane was trying to say with a teasing smirk on her face before you cut her off.

"Dude! You are so loud! You know I like Finn a lot, but you don't have to shout it from the rooftops like maniac."
You argued, but Jane only smirked more when she saw someone approach you two behind your shoulder.

"What about maniacs?"
Finn said, sneaking up behind you, making you jump with sudden fear.

"Finn! Don't scare me like..that.."
You began to say in a playful voice, but you trailed off once you saw how he looked.

His curly black hair was ruffled like always, and his lips were plumped and slightly chapped.
  His eyes glistened with excitement, and his clothes radiated 'Shakespeare Times.'
His eyes squinted as he chuckled at your teasing, but the way his shoulders shuffled up and down as he laughed was cute.

Everything about him was cute.

But you couldn't say anything.

He's your best friend, and has been since 6th grade. You two are now Juniors in highschool, and god you wished you two were more than friends.

You two are inseparable, knowing each other so well, that people would assume you two were already a couple.

Everyone around you could tell that Finn had a massive crush on you,
but it seemed that you were the only one that couldn't notice any of his flirtatious comments.

"Ready for the play? We're gonna kick it in the ass."
Finn told you, his smile only widening when he saw you giggle at his excitement.

The truth was, Finn didn't even like acting in plays that much.
He only joined the play because he knew you were going to be in it, so he auditioned for Romeo, and you both got cast.
He could hardly wait for the 'big scene.'

"Y-Yeah, I mean, no better time than the present, amiright?"
You stuttered, awkwardly trying to lighten the tension with humor that was utterly failing you at the moment.

"Alright, we got this, N/N."
Finn said reassuring you with a small smile, his eyes filling with a feeling you've never seen in his eyes before.

"And now, let the play begin. Act II."
Your theater teacher announced to the audience while standing on stage, gesturing to Finn to walk out into the blinding lights of the play.

"That's my cue. See you out there."
Finn said, placing his hand on your shoulder before gently squeezing it as a goodbye, and walked into stage.

Your eyes followed his lanky figure as he walked in front of the audience, stating his lines as he was rehearsed to do.
Oh, did you love him.

"Jane, I'm so nervous for this scene. Juliet meets Romeo at the masquerade party and kiss. Is it bad that I want that? To want to kiss him as if I weren't acting?"
You asked poetically, as if you were really Juliet in real life.

You felt lovesick, desperately wanting Finn to return the feelings you felt so passionately for him.

But Jane didn't have time to answer you before it was your turn to march onto stage, right into the scene you dreaded.

The stagehand lights blared on your already paled face because of your anxiety towards this scene.
  Your eyes met Finn's as you tried your best to conceal your nervousness by your acting skills, carefully making your way towards him.

Juliet and Romeo are drawn to each other, and walk towards each other from opposite sides of the room.

  You acted out your movements like the script was written, but you were too lost in the glance of Finn's brown orbs of eyes.

  Finn couldn't rip his gaze off of the way the stagehand lights enhanced your beauty, making his cheeks slightly blush.

Romeo and Juliet meet in the middle of the room, their gazes only in that of each other's souls in love.

  Finn stared deeply into your eyes, and soaked in every possible feature on your face.
  It was the eyes he fell in love with over the past years.
  The smile.
  The heart.

  You noticed Finn's delay in speaking his assigned line, and you subtly cleared your throat to remind him of his line.

Romeo leans forward to cup Juliet's cheek, and places a ginger kiss on her soft lips.

Finn gulped, his nervousness so obviously showing to his best friend that he's grown to be so madly in love with.

He cupped your cheek gently, and your skin tingled at his touch.

He looked at you with such admiration, that it couldn't possibly be identified as 'acting.'
  No. This was real to Finn.

He leaned in slowly, and gingerly placed his lips to yours. ..

To be continued..

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