✰•we won•✰

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I m a g i n e : Your husband [of 5 years], Finn, is a doctor.
   One day, he comes home after the night shift and breaks down in front of you because he lost one of his patients, but it turns into a much larger situation..

Word Count : 1805


it was the typical friday evening of watching your favorite tv show after you made dinner, and left a plate of the food in the microwave for finn to eat when he came home.

but today you were especially anxious for finn to get home because you had something huge to tell him.

you drank your soda as you watched the show on the couch, waiting for finn to come home from his night shift like always.

he was a pediatrician, treating and helping  sickly children everyday.

you two always wanted to have a child, and after having been married for 5 years, you two thought that that was what would complete the family, so you two have recently been trying for a baby.

the tests were always negative.

unfortunately, life doesn't always accustom to your needs, and the incident that happened 3 years ago horribly proved that.

but sometimes on rare occasion, life does accustom to you, and when it does, miraculous miracles can happen-

your thoughts were interrupted from drifting when you heard the front door unlock with a click, and heard footsteps as someone entered before they closed the door behind them with a huff.

you assumed it to be finn, so you waited for him to come over to the living room to join you like he always does, but he didn't.

he didn't shout 'hey babe, how was your day?'
to you into the house like he always did.

you heard something that sounded like sniffling.

you got up from the couch, setting your coke down on the coffee table before walking around the couch to enter the hall where the front door was.

you saw finn, still in his white scrubs, slumped over with his back against the door, his elbows propped against his knees as he held his head in his hands.

he was crying. he never cries.

"baby, what's wrong?"
you asked, immediately rushing to the floor with him to hold his hands in yours, revealing his tear-stained cheeks.

finn looked up at you, his eyes glossy, and a single tear sliding down his cheek.
he was trying to hold in his tears.

he sighed, frustrated as he quickly pulled his hands out of your grasp to wipe away his tears.

you said, your voice concerned for your husband as you reached up to caress his cheek softly to comfort him.

he inhaled, trying to steady his breath.

he was hurt by this.

"i lost one today."
he said, his voice husky from having cried softly for so long.

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