✰•you did this pt.1•✰

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P A R T  1

I m a g i n e: You used to be in a toxic relationship with Finn, and he hurt you on some occasions, but nonetheless, you couldn't seem to stop loving him.
  After years of being broken up with Finn and living your own life, you bump into him again.
  Only this time, he's lost his memory of you.

You and Finn are 18-19 years old.

Warning: mentions of domestic violence & abuse

Word Count: 1492


"Alright, Y/N. Welcome to the team. Congratulations, you can start recording on Monday."
Your now music manager tells you, as he stands up at his desk to reach over and shake your hand, and you smile as you return the handshake.

You just received an agent for your music and your albums that you were recording, and you were really taking off into the world.

You had made it onto several shows, and news broadcasts, and you were considered 'famous' at this point.
You had always loved singing, and now, as you walk out of the music studio, you couldn't wait to get on with your life.

You walked through the parking lot to your car, looking down at your keys to unlock it, but not before bumping into somebody tall and lanky, making you drop all your belongings.

"Oh, I-I'm so sorry about that."
You heard the voice apologize, but you didn't look up out of embarrassment.

You groaned, and kneeled down to pick up your binders and contracts, and when you reached to pick up your keys, the person's hand reached for it the same time you did, causing your hands to land on top of each other.

You gasped, the person's hand sending you electric waves up your arm as you remembered the touch.
And with the touch, came your memories.

The memories of your ex-boyfriend, laughing with you, teasing you, drinking with you.

Getting angry with you.

Hitting you.

Then apologizing a week after it happens.

You still had the scar on your cheekbone from when he punched you across the face because you had argued that he gets too angry when he's drunk.

The scar had become just a story that you tried so hard to forget by brushing your hair over to cover it, but once you felt the stranger's touch, you knew who it was instantly.

It was the touch of the man that you loved so dearly, but that love grew to be toxic because of his alcohol and drug addictions.

You looked up slowly, and there he was.
His curly hair was still as curly and wayward as it used to be.
His watermelon pinked lips reminded you of all the times he told you that he loved you.

His eyes held the same wondering gaze, but they seemed different, as if he was observing the world through a new set of mind.

You breathed out heavily, your eyes searching his face for any signs of hostility towards you.
Your heart began beating faster as he helped you back to your feet.

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