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"Aiden!" Kyle yelled, running up to their group sitting at a picnic table.

"Hi Daddy!" Aiden jumped up and hugged his dad, getting ice cream all over his shirt.

"Are you okay?" Kyle asked his son, kneeling to hug him again.

"Yep, Becca and I went on the merry-go-round, the Ferris wheel, we played a game, and I won her that teddy bear and we got ice cream," Aiden shared a big smile on his face.

"Thank you for keeping him with you, I am so sorry we forgot." Kyle gave Annaleigh a hug and shook Connor's hand.

"Any time. Aiden and Rebecca play well together, so whenever you want him to come over for a playdate, he is more than welcome. We are still putting the finishing touches on Rebecca's playroom now that we are settled in our home," Annaleigh offered. Kyle nodded his head and said,

"Sure, we will see you tomorrow for the end of the year barbeque?"

"Yes. Can we bring anything?" Connor asked.

"Maybe a dessert? I know Nikki was worrying about getting enough desserts for the group coming."

"I can make something, maybe cupcakes," Annaleigh offered, and Kyle smiled at her.

"That would be perfect, thanks again for watching Aiden. Come on, buddy we got to get back home to everyone." Kyle picked up Aiden and put him on his shoulders, walking back to the parking lot.

"We should get home too. Tomorrow, we have to go grocery shopping and get the last of Rebecca's toy shelves put together," Annaleigh said, looking at Rebeca whose eyes had drooped.

"Sounds like a plan, and we can talk more about when you want to set the date for our wedding." Connor kissed her temple, picked up Rebecca leading the way back to the car.

"I was thinking maybe around Thanksgiving, we get married? I don't really have any family to invite and only have a few friends who live out of town," Annaleigh shared. Connor nodded and said,

"Thanksgiving time it is, we can look at the calendar and pick a Saturday. Do you want to get married in a church or somewhere else?" Connor asked, putting Rebecca into the car and strapping her in.

"I'm not very religious, how big do you think our wedding is going to be?"

"Probably seventy-five to one hundred people, I did grow up here and am the sheriff. I will have to invite all my cousins and aunts and uncles too." Connor thought about his large extended family and shook his head.

"So no doing the ceremony in someone's backyard?" she asked buckling in.

"Maybe at my parents' house, they have a large meadow behind the house and enough space to set up tents with heaters and the like," Connor suggested.

"Hmm, let's talk with your parents next time we are over for a family dinner and see if they have any ideas," Annaleigh replied and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"I cannot wait to marry you, Connor."

"Same here my love." Connor leaned over and kissed her before starting the car and driving them home. 

A/N: Please let me know how you like the story, any suggestions or feedback would be much appreciated. Don't forget to vote!

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