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"Hi Kari, can we chat for a minute?" Annaleigh asked. Kari nodded and stood, shutting the door behind them.

"I wanted to add a few people to Rebecca's emergency care form. Connor and I have become engaged and I would like to add him and his family as approved persons to pick her up," Annaleigh explained, sitting in one of the chairs in front of Kari's desk.

"Certainly, I just need their numbers and when they pick her up the first time a copy of their driver's license." Kari pulled out the form for Annaleigh to fill in the information.

"Here, you can make a copy of mine now." Connor pulled out his wallet and handed over his license. Kari turned around and made a quick copy on her printer. Annaleigh wrote quickly, adding Madison as well. She didn't want her to feel left out, though it would be even harder for Madison to leave work than Annaleigh.

"I also wanted to talk to you about Wesley, Rebecca's biological father."

"I remember you giving me the paperwork via fax about your custody agreement. He is not allowed to pick her up, come into the building or access any information about her. We also have none of his family may pick her up or interact at all with her," Kari replied, repeating the information from memory.

"I am impressed," Annaleigh shared her surprise.

"We don't get many cases like Rebecca's here."

"I'm sure. I also wanted to let you know Rebecca is reading at a first-grade reading level and is incredibly smart. I want her to be treated like any other four-year-old here and I hope she can make many friends. She had a hard time interacting with her classmates in LA, but she didn't go to a shifter preschool."

"Understood, if anything sticks out we will let you know. Annaleigh, your daughter is going to be safe here and with her stepfather being the sheriff you know she will be fine," Kari tried to reassure her. Annaleigh couldn't shake the feeling something bad was going to happen.

"Thank you, please call me if you need me." Annaleigh stood, Connor, followed her out and helped her into her car.

"Have a great day my love. I will be home around eight," he said leaning in to kiss her gently. Annaleigh smiled and kissed him back opening her mouth to let in his tongue.

"I'll keep dinner warm, we are having butter chicken."

"Mm, Indian food. Have a wonderful day." Connor kissed her again and she shut her door ready to take on her first day back in the classroom. Thankfully the next two weeks would be teacher work weeks plus training and she could set up her classroom the way she wanted. She would be one of two kindergarten teachers and hoped she would get along with her coworker. 

A/N: Please let me know how you like the story, any suggestions or feedback would be much appreciated. Don't forget to vote!

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