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Only mentioned once but i have been obsessed with this song lately ^^

Andy's PoV

Me and Rye have been together for the past five years. He had asked me out on our third date despite us acting like a couple before.

He had taken me to the lake in the park near the apartment block.
He had put up a load of fairy lights all around a tree with a small picnic blanket with all my favourite foods which consisted of: straeberries, pizza, sausages rolls, pigs in blankets and other unhealthy foods. It was amazing we had talked all night and didn't get back tot he flat till late in the night.

We had moved out of the small apartment and into a big seven bedroom house with the boys.

Me and Rye share a room while all the others had there own-though i can tell Jack and Brook want to share a room as well).
The house had consisted of: me, Rye, Brook, Jack, Mikey and Alex - our new cameraman.

When me and Rye got back from the coffee shop when we both confessed i had saw Alex, the guy that talked to me at the wedding, in our living room. He said that he had dropped Mikey off and was told to come in for some tea. We all sat in the living room talking and he had mentioned that him being at the wedding as one of the friends but also as the photographer and showed us the pictures.

Not long after though it was brought to out attention that Mikey and Alex were a couple. We had found out that Alex had asked Mikey for his number one time he came round to film for us. Surprisingly it didn't hurt, i was happy he found someone else, and by the way it was going i could tell that they were really happy with each other.

"Andy!" I heard Rye shout up from downstairs.


"Get dress we are going somewhere!"


"Its a surprise idiot get dressed" he joked.

"Oh Ryan I don't think i am able to leave this house after that vulgar comment, i am too offended" teased

I giggled and got out bed, i put on some white ripped jeans with a pastel pink jumper on. It was pretty late at night so i guessed it was a date, so i put on some light lipgloss and mascara on. Ever since that date with Mikey i had enjoyed putting on small amount of make up and do so when ever i go out at night. However, it was just small amounts i would never put on full James Charles make up, no offence.

I was really happy Rye was fine with it- in fact every time i do he always seems to find a way to complement me making me blush despite the time we have been together. Then him being him would always bring it up by saying something idiotic like "oh have you also put on blush or is that just natural from you just looking at how sexy i am"

I went downstairs and saw him at the front door, patiently waiting for me at the door. He wore an oversized white jumper with black jeans with all white shoes.
"Hey babe" he said leaning down and kissing me if the forehead.

"Hey... so where are we going ?" I tried to push.

"Like i said, its a surprise mister" he said, leading me towards the door.

"Alright alright" i said.

"You look as handsome as ever, Andy Fowler" he said opening the of the car for me.

"Well, your not half bad yourself Beaumont" i said.

We get into the car and we start heading off. I used the aux to play the most cheesy love song that i know. That's Amore by Dean Martin. Rye had one hand on the wheel and one hand holding mine.

(After the car ride)

I looked around at the scenery, i should have known. Here we are where it all started.

The coffee shop.

I smiled, this has became mine and Rye's place, of course not physical but this is where we went to relieve stress or for a small date.

However, when i walked into the small coffee it was empty. The only people that were in there was me and Rye.

"Umm why is it so abandoned?" I questioned.

"Shh, its actually quite for once" he chuckled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the small library room that i showed him.

I ignored asking how he got access without asking someone. When we got into the room i saw how Rye had decorated it.

There was fairy lights all over the bookstands and light bulbs hanging from the ceiling. It looked beautiful. I looked at Rye who was already looking at me. His brown eyes staring straight into my blue ones. He let go of my hand and i saddened at the loss of contact.

It amazes me that despite us being together for the past five years we still act like we are in the 'honey moon phase'.

"Andy fowler" Rye suddenly said. I snapped out of my thought and looked at him. He had the cutest smile i have ever saw.
" I have been in love with you for the past five years, and i am falling more in love with you everyday. Its scary how much we have been through. We have had our ups and downs, but what couple doesn't. I wanted to show you how much i love you but i simple can't put it into words."

My heart started to race, i could feel tears prick my eyes.

"Remember when we got into a fight because i was too scared to come out to my mom and you said that i should just do it. However, instead of listening to you i fought against you and that made us not talk to each other for days. Those days were the worst. You told me one thing when i said i wanted to be with you and you said 'actions speak louder than words'" he said.

I was a little sad to remember that. He wouldn't go out the flat holding my hand or showing affection. I admit i was rude to make him come out. I looked up at him and nodded.

"Well, to show you how much i love you i am going to follow what you said and show you how much i love you" he said.

I was a little confused but my heart rate was going miles per hour when he started to get down on one knee.

My eyes filled with tears.

"Rye..." i said, my voice slowly cracking.

"Andy Fowler, would you do me the honour of marrying me. To become Andy Beaumont?" He asked.

I got down on my knees wanting t be at the same level as him as I accepted.

"Yes ! Yes! Yes! A million times yes. I would love to marry you Rye" he leaned in a kissed me. The kiss was filled with passion, love and little bit of tears ( from the both of us).

We pulled away due to our stupid body needing air. He slipped the golden ring on my ring finger.

I am going to spend the rest of my life with the love of my life.


A/N: Here is the last chapter of Who Are You? The epilogue.

Its been a long ride and i hoped you guys liked the book. Hopefully i will be going through it and correcting the small mistakes i have made along the way of the book.

Give your opinion on the book?

Thank you!


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