Chapter 21

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Rye's PoV

A few weeks have passed since what had happened in the library, and honestly, after realizing my feelings for Andy it made a 100 per cent harder for him to be around and yet I could not find myself anywhere away from him. We had gotten close, close to the point where people believe that we were dating. Which is pretty bizarre.

Everything was going great, we were really close and I was happy, really happy, but all great things come to an end and my end point was Andy running into mine and Harvey's room squealing.

"Woah calm down there, what has made you all happy and cheerful, " I said putting down a book I was reading to fill the time.

"Guess what!" he said, but before I could even have a guess he blurted it out

"Miley just asked me to go on a date!"

That was it, that sentence made my heart shatter... Andy is going on a date... With Mikey. Who am I kidding I never stood a chance. He had liked Mikey for two years now, I had found that out when Andy and me would stay up late talking about everything and nothing ( it one of the things I have come to like about Andy ).

Me he barely knew me for three months and here I am thinking that he would like me.

'pfft get over yourself Ryan, as if someone as adorable, cute, funny and beautiful as Andy would ever date you' I though to myself.

My trial of thoughts was then broken when Andy's small hand waved in front of my face.

"Hello! Rye you listening to me?!" he said.

"y-yeah sorry," I said grabbing his hand and pushing it out of my face.

"Did you hear what I said? " he asked. After a while, I looked up at him yet his whole body was jumping for glee his eyes were as if he wasn't as happy. Like he was... Sad?

"Yeah, you going on a date with Mikey!" I screamed getting off my bed and embraced him in a big hug. My arms wrapped securely around his waist as his wrapped around my neck. Due to his size, I lifted him up so his feet weren't touching the ground. I was happy for him... I was just a little heartbroken.

"but..." he stated. I put him back on the ground and looked down at him. My arms still on his waist and his still around my neck.

"but" I mimicked, gesturing for him to carry on.

"He said its at a place where you dance, where you have to slow dance..." he paused at looked at him only for him to get a small confused look from me. " I don't know how to slow dance, and I remember you telling me that you use to dance with your Mom and go out to small competition... I mean you were only eleven but hopefully-"

"Andy I'll help you out don't worry" I interrupted to stop the boy from rambling on forever .

"REALLY! Thank you, thank you, thanks you!" he said redoing the hug, this time I held on like my life depended on it. Who knew that such a person can do so much to you.

"And so I will come back later tonight the boys are gonna be out, jack and brook are going out and Mikey is going to Blair's. So we can practice tonight ?"he said, letting go of the hug and walking out.

He didn't need to know that once he left I fell to the ground, tears threatening to fall.
Andy Fowler, Who are you ? And why are you making me feel like this?

KodieA HOW ARE YOU!!! 😂

A/N: Here is chapter 21 of Who Are You? Hope you guys like it and are enjoying it so far!

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