What seemed like forever, finally the cats reached the top of the hill. Swiftpaw let go of Blizzardtail's tail, and her mentor faced her, "You know the Warrior Code, Swiftpaw. You may be friendly to the other cats, but know your loyalty lies to your clan. Also, keep confidential ideas and plans to yourself," he warned her, before the senior warrior began to pad towards the clearing of the StarRock. Swiftpaw nodded her head, and hurried after her mentor, only to brush by Pricklepelt.

"Exciting, hm? I remember my first time going to the Gathering," Pricklepelt's yellow eyes marveled handsomely, before the youthful tom bounded into the clearing, the shorter grass blazing beautifully in the moonlight, and his pelt glossy. Swiftpaw held no romantic feelings towards her friend, but she had to admit that even though he wasn't the most handsome tom in the land, tonight, he looked grand and majestic. It made her sick to think that Dapplefur would ever betray him.

Ripplepaw padded beside her, her larger brother anxiously panting, "Look's like TideClan is here first! That means I have time to look nice for the other clans!" Swiftpaw noticed his ruffled fur from the river, and immediately she began to groom herself quickly as well, flattening her calico pelt and making sure she looked glossy. Her eyes gazed around herself, and saw that her clanmates were chattering amongst themselves, while Redstar leapt upon the StarRock. Tch, look at him, being so arrogant and looking as if he owns the rock! 

The full moon had some time before it would reach its peak, before Swiftpaw's eyes caught movement from the line of birches that was to the right from where TideClan entered the clearing. She could see white glimpses of moonlight on pelts of approaching cats, and she could hear the meows of those cats as well. Her nose caught the smell of dead leaves and tree bark--BoulderClan.

"Oh, more cats!" Ripplepaw meowed in more fear than excitement. But Swiftpaw felt a bit of resentment against the clan of forest hunters and climbers, yet the young apprentice showed no emotion other than surprise. "I'm surprised DriftClan isn't here yet. They're usually first, for being fast cats," scoffed a nearby Bloompelt, who sat with her mate, Minnowstream, Thrush-heart, and Crowbite. Swiftpaw exchanged glances with her brother, "Oh no, more tensions with DriftClan?" the female apprentice remarked, before the thundering cats came towards the TideClan cats.

Swiftpaw could hear many greetings being exchanged, but she didn't really personally identify any other cats that swarmed around her. Ripplepaw and Swiftpaw sat closer together, more out of shyness. They got a myriad of strange looks from the BoulderClan cats; who were these new apprentices? And Ripplepaw, embarrassed, buried his cheek a bit into Swiftpaw's shoulder. "Thrush-heart told me to try to at least talk to other apprentices to get to know them-- oh, speaking of which, look over there!"

A small group of what seemed to be apprentices were together in a patch, and Swiftpaw saw Fallowpaw part of them. A BoulderClan tom was on his hind legs, showing off a move. "Well, let's go over there!" Ripplepaw encouraged his older sister, and the gray tabby tom began off towards the pocket of apprentices. "Wait up!" Swiftpaw called, before another scent hit her nose, of pinecones and honeysuckle; DuskClan.

Her brother had a head start, because when Swiftpaw went after him, a flood of many cats of different pelts were in the way, a mix of both DuskClan and BoulderClan. "Excuse me! Uhm, excuse me!" Swiftpaw meowed, as she slid past and against other cats. She nearly ran into three DuskClan toms, who snickered at her, and it made her slightly angry that they were making fun of her. The sight of her large brother soon disappeared in the swarming of cats, and Swiftpaw felt very lost. 

"Ripplepaw?" she called for him, raising her chin to try to see past the taller, much larger cats, before she walked behind them to try to reach where she thought the destination of her brother was. Her pelt brushed against a cream tabby's she-cat, who snapped at her. "Sorry!" Swiftpaw apologized, looking back at the she-cat as she now began to run. The only thing on her mind was finding Ripplepaw, because she was lonely.

But, being as fish-brained as she was, Swiftpaw crashed into another cat. "Oof!" From how much bigger the cat was, she stumbled to her side, and she shook her head. Oh my StarClan, I just made myself look stupid! Her pelt felt hot, and she closed her eyes, flattening her ears as she slowly got unto her paws, her shoulders hunched a bit.

"I-I'm so sorry!" she meowed, and her amber eyes opened and lifted up to whoever she bumped into. Her nose caught the scent of a BoulderClan tom, but when her eyes rested on his face, she felt her heart skip a beat.

His green eyes were wide in astonishment, and his ears perked a bit. His handsome face were light gray in the moonlight, and his tall, muscular black tabby structure was light gray as well. He looks more...mature...and handsome than before. As Swiftpaw gazed up at his familiar face, staring into his green eyes, never in her life has her heart felt more differently towards anyone. It also seemed that his green eyes read someone as well, but she couldn't tell.

Swiftpaw opened her mouth to say his name, but she wasn't sure if she would say his kit name, or possibly his apprentice name.


OMG! Guys, we hit about 500 reads! THANK YOU GUYS! You guys are my pushing force and happiness to pursuit and write this story more! Thank you! <3


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