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So here's a few things to go through now that the story has ended....

Do you want a sequel? Or do you like the way the story has ended?

Here's the summary if there ever is a sequel,

' After rising up as kings of their now joined kingdom, Hwang Minhyun and Kang Dongho were rulers as well as lovers known to many people who support and loved them as they are. But what happens one day when Baekho wakes up to Minhyun's distress scream only to find someone who looks exactly like him kidnapping his lover? '

If you do want a sequel, what name do you think would suit it?

• The Black King and the White King
• The Dark Knight and the Light Mage
• The Black Fox and the White Tiger
• The Black Prince and the White Prince 2 (they're kings already though so this prob wouldn't fit that well)

And.... this story will deal with a lot of.... confusing themes like travel between other worlds, having weird interlinked dreams and purgatory (???) which is why I'm skeptical on writing it since I know myself to be a spastic writer when I get confused too. Also much lesser M scenes and more story driven plot- Which is why I want your opinion~

But if you wish for it, I will still deliver.

Thank you for your time, dedication to read every chapter, commenting on it and the love you have shown for my story 'The Black Prince and the White Prince" ♡♡♡. I hope you have enjoyed it just as much as I loved writing it. See you in the next story ♡

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