Black Lifesaver

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Days passed and so did time. He didn't know how long has it been but judging from the amount of meals, it was probably the fourth day today. His whole body was sore and covered with cuts and wounds created by different kinds of tools. His mind was still strong although he couldn't tell for how much longer. Maybe it was because he knew the maid who brought him his food or maybe it was just sheer will or maybe it was the thought of Minhyun still lingering in his mind. The ground where he knelt was dry and wet and constantly drying up again. At one point, it started feeling sticky with his blood and even water couldn't wash the stickiness away. A hose was sprayed at his direction and he could barely turn away to fend himself from the water splashing onto him, making him relive the pain again.

He wasn't sure if the intensity of the tortures were getting worse but for now, he could tell there wasn't any permanent damage on his body. Given a couple of days, he should be able to heal if he could get a break. Even though the chances were unlikely, he had decided to toughen it out. At some point, the king will sure be bored of him and stop this stupid nonsense.

The door opened and the maid walked in with his meal. She helped him wipe his sweat and dried blood off as she fed him. Her heart clenched at the sight of his body and every time he winced at the pain, she would flinch as well. It made her feel teary that someone as sweet as Baekho had to go through this.

"I'm sorry there's nothing I can do to help," the maid had said for a million times again although there was probably no one who was going to keep count. Baekho shook his head weakly and tried to offer her a smile.

"If you did, the king might.... do something to you instead. I can't have that," he whispered in a tired voice. She felt like a coward, helpless. She could only offer him painkillers and hope for someone to help him. Maybe if she could get a hold of one of the other princes, but they've stopped coming ever since... ever since the war.

"Wouldn't your wounds get infected at this rate?" She asked worriedly.

"I don't know... Probably, " he mumbled his reply. His arms were tired and numb. Sometimes standing would help but the stretching and contractions of his body muscles would open the wounds and blood would seep out again. "Say... is... he really dead?"

Please. Just any sign at all. A path for him to keep fighting for.

But it never came. The maid couldn't say anything at first. She didn't know what to say so she told him the truth that she knew. "I can't say for sure but... they did bring his body back. I saw it. It was pale and limp.... they didn't allow anyone near him except the doctor. And we never saw him again after that day."

"So... chances are... he's dead and not coming back," Baekho said and sighed, trying to keep his emotions together again for the nth time. It still hurt to know even if he wanted to accept it. All this mental torture was wearing him down just as much as physical ones.

"I could ask the doctor but... I've heard a rumor that whoever is on the prince's side gets executed," this, she whispered to him closely. "That's why the head knight and head advisor has gone missing too. Or at least, I haven't seen them at their usual spots."

"What... Are they... dead too?"

"I don't know but I hope not." Baekho could only hope so too. They were such nice people even if he didn't get along with the head knight at first. They got along with Minhyun and supported him. Baekho wished there was some way for him to at least save them if they were really sent for execution but what can he do when he can't even help himself.

"I should get going before any guards chase me out," She said once she finished feeding Baekho and giving him painkillers. Baekho nodded and found a little more strength to give her a proper smile.

"Thank you. You're a real lifesaver," he said, recalling the time in the library where he had said the same thing. She smiled sadly and bowed before leaving in a hurry, leaving Baekho to his own tiring thoughts again.

Once again, he went through his memories from the beginning where he first met Minhyun to the last day where coincidentally was also the same place where he first met him. His once blonde hair had started turning black again but the dried blood stuck to his hair gave it a reddish shine. He replayed the moment he had watched the arrow hit the other in the chest. The slow motion feeling that he got when Minhyun fell off the horse. The cold body in his arms. His last words. He wanted to tell himself they weren't real but he had no way of finding out and everyone seemed to tell him that he was dead. What choice did he have but to accept it? But he couldn't.

Minhyun was his first love.

And it hurt to know that he couldn't protect him. That he couldn't stop the war from happening. That he couldn't die together with him. He should have gone to his side. He should have. Maybe the arrow would have shot him instead and this whole plan of theirs would be ruined. If only he had realised it was a trap set to kill Minhyun. Maybe things could have been different. Maybe he would be beside the other now in heaven or hell.

He felt his body tremble from his emotions but he had no more tears left to cry, only a broken voice and the silence accompanied him.

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