Black equals White

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"As long as I get to do what I want after you heal," Minhyun said, not wanting Baekho to have all the control. Baekho nodded in a hurry, already not thinking with his right head since he couldn't stop himself from using Minhyun's thighs to get himself off. It was weird for Minhyun to feel the skin rubbing back and forth but he tried his best to go with it, lowering his body slightly so their members would come in contact too.

"This is too lewd," Minhyun said while trying to hold back his embarrassment but he couldn't deny that it felt good since it was Baekho. Baekho kept it up until he felt the warm pool in his stomach.

"Minhyun," Baekho moaned out his name as he found his release. Minhyun couldn't tear his eyes off the other. His sweat, his pink cheeks, his full lips. But he was distracted by his own urge to release as well. Baekho let go of his hands so he could hold both sides of the wall to stabilise himself. Minhyun waited for awhile before slowly sliding his own hands downwards to his member. He didn't want to do this in front of the other but he didn't like to be left hanging too. Before he could start, Baekho stopped him.

"Nnn... What're you thinking now?" Minhyun whined for being stopped when he caught Baekho's intense stare. He wasn't sure if that a good sign or not.

"Do you think..." He could see Baekho's flushed face wasn't turning back any time soon with whatever idea he had. "You could accept a blow job from me?"

Minhyun was silent for awhile. "If that's what you really want, I won't stop you. I just hope you know what you're doing," Minhyun replied. "Don't force yourself too. I can finish this with my hand just as quickly."

Baekho thought about it. "Maybe next time then." Minhyun wasn't disappointed since they were fairly new to this whole scene but he pulled Baekho in for a kiss as he started rubbing himself. Baekho returned the kiss and went back to showering his neck with kisses as well. He personally didn't like seeing Minhyun with any wounds so he didn't attempt to bite him. Minhyun's sweet voice was turning him on again but he held back since Aron might come find them if they took too long. It didn't take long for Minhyun to finish up with a hushed moan.

Once Minhyun was done, he started washing away any traces of their earlier activity and washed his hands before he started to shower. He helped Baekho wash his hair since the other had a difficult time lifting his arms to reach his hair.

"This feels just as good as that," Baekho said as Minhyun massaged his scalp. "You're really good at massages."


"Is there a reason for that?"

"Sort of but... not worth sharing," Minhyun mumbled his reply and Baekho stopped asking. He washed the shampoo away and went back to cleaning himself. Baekho washed his own body or at least most of what he could. The soap stung but he held the pain back. It was fine, he told himself.

Once Minhyun made sure they were both clean enough, he helped Baekho dry his hair and body before using a different towel to dry himself. Baekho could put on his own clothes thankfully so Minhyun didn't have to do much for that. He helped Baekho comb his hair and Baekho felt really loved then. He couldn't help his little giggles that slipped once in awhile.

"What're you laughing at?" Minhyun asked him after he caught Baekho giggling for like the fourth time.

"You're just being so sweet to me," he said. "I like this version of Minhyun a lot too."

"You wanted to be my equal," Minhyun whispered. Baekho tilted his head.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. I said you need a haircut," Minhyun changed the topic and twirled Baekho's hair in his hand a little.

"Huh? I do. All my black hair is coming out again."

"Why did you even color it blonde? You look nice with black hair too," Minhyun asked.

"Well, I originally did it just to spite my parents since my brothers were always these goodie two shoes but they didn't even care. I just got hooked onto it and left it this way from then on," he told Minhyun.

"Your brothers... I wonder what's become of them," Minhyun said softly. Baekho shrugged.

"I don't know. But if your father did take over my kingdom, I guess they're just part of his pawns now," Baekho replied as they started heading out from the shower. "I guess I just hope they weren't killed... as much as I don't have any brotherly love towards them."

Aron wasn't waiting for them outside so they just headed back to the room that they had slept in earlier. Minhyun felt his allergies were pretty much gone so he hoped it would stay that way since he didn't want to be a burden to anyone. He didn't like that he got sick so fast though but he was glad to have a quick recovery speed too. Baekho climbed onto the bed the moment they went in and stretched his body, groaning at the pain. Minhyun smiled and squeezed himself beside Baekho who pulled his limbs back to give Minhyun space.

"Are you feeling better?" Baekho asked Minhyun and kissed his forehead.

"Yeah... Much better," Minhyun replied. Somehow he started thinking, maybe letting Baekho take control didn't feel that bad as long as it was a once in awhile thing. He liked and preferred the feeling of having the muscular male under his arms too. "What about you? You didn't break any stitches, right?"

"Nope. At least I hope not," he chuckled. "Do you think we can really pull this off? The plan?"

"I don't have a clue," Minhyun replied honestly. "But... having a plan is better than no plan so I guess it's worth a shot."

"And what happens if we fail?"

"We can't afford to... If we fail, all of us will die." Baekho clutched Minhyun's hands with his own and kissed them gently.

"I guess, at the very least, I would properly die with you this time."


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