Black Sneeze

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The day went by much longer than the two of them anticipated. Maybe it was because they had been walking for a really long time now, trying to find somewhere to settle down for the night. Baekho noticed Minhyun had started sneezing a lot but since the other didn't say anything about it, he didn't ask either. Just thinking that it was probably dusty or something. They came by an abandoned looking shack and looked around before entering it, noticing that there was no lock in place. Minhyun helped Baekho sit before opening the windows to let the air flow. He sneezed again and made an annoyed noise.

"Are you alright?" Baekho asked. Minhyun nodded and took out the food and water, dividing it properly so it would last them for awhile. "You don't have to give me a bigger portion."

"Just eat it. You need more energy to heal," he replied and Baekho said nothing more, just nodded and eating quietly. He had to down his food with water since his throat still hurt a lot from his screaming and crying. After he was done, he watched Minhyun who was on the move again. Looking around the shack for something.

"What are we going to do now?" Baekho asked the restless boy who seemed to be pulling his sleeves lower.

"I don't know if this place is abandoned so staying here isn't really the best option," Minhyun replied. He had seen parts of the shack that weren't covered in dust oddly enough. Maybe the owner only ever used certain areas of the shack. Nevertheless, it could only mean that there would be someone who uses the place.

"Okay... But what about after that, Minhyun? We can't keep running from place to place. We are bound to get caught without a plan," Baekho said. Minhyun sat down again and thought about it.

"I don't know, Baekho...," Minhyun replied honestly. "I didn't exactly have a plan when I got you out. I wasn't even expecting for us to be able to get out." Minhyun sighed, annoyed at himself for dragging Baekho into such a mess of a situation again. Baekho smiled though and ended up laughing a little to Minhyun's confusion.

"I'm sorry," he said, holding back his laughter. "Its just that you always seem ready for anything so seeing you like this somehow made me realise... You're just human too." Minhyun blinked, unsure if Baekho was being serious or teasing him.

"I don't... I'm not always ready for anything," he mumbled, fiddling with his fingers. He wondered when he started having this habit but realised that it wasn't his habit. It was Baekho's. "And of course I'm human." He puffed his cheeks slightly. Baekho stretched his arm out painfully to give Minhyun a pat on the head. That surprised him but he let Baekho do it. It made him feel relaxed somehow.

"It's just nice to know that," Baekho said and groaned as he pulled his arm back. "Well... Let's think about it together instead. What if we go and find... Ren? Or someone to help us?" Minhyun frowned instinctively at the mention of Ren's name.

"We could but... I don't want to get them into trouble with my family too," Minhyun said. "They have a truce not to harm one another as long as they continue providing services for each other." Baekho nodded and tried to think.

"What about the outskirts? Would your family be able to reach us there?"

"Depends on how far my father's influence has spread... They were on the road for months, remember? I wouldn't be surprised if no where in this world is safe from their grasp anymore." Minhyun was gradually getting frustrated at their limited choices. Baekho carefully got up and sat beside him. He leaned his head on the taller boy's shoulder.

"Hey, it's alright. We've got each other. We will get through this somehow," Baekho said calmly. Minhyun nodded, gradually finding a peace of mind with Baekho beside him.

Minhyun wasn't sure if it was because he was already tired out from walking or sneezing so much, he had fallen asleep while sitting. His head drooped and Baekho noticed it. He chuckled softly and sat properly, letting Minhyun lay on his lap instead. He gently patted Minhyun's head and hummed softly, wondering what they were going to do from here on out. His hand wandered to Minhyun's face, gently touching it so he wouldn't wake the other up by accident. He smiled at how peaceful Minhyun looked. How pretty he looked. His pinkish high cheekbones. His lashes. His perfect lips. Baekho had to snap out of it before he decided to do something stupid again.

He reached over for the bag and checked through the stuff that they had. He found an empty bottle that resembled a medicine bottle. He was slightly confused, wondering if the maid had accidentally dropped it in. He put it back and took a sip of the water. Minhyun turned a little, his forehead coming into contact with Baekho's thigh. The heat radiating off the other's forehead almost made Baekho jump. He put the water back and carefully turned Minhyun so he could feel his forehead. It was burning again much like the time when he got sick. Baekho wondered when he started getting sick again, trying to think about when he started sneezing.

"You idiot... why don't you ever tell me when you get sick? And to think you're always taking care of me first," He sighed and kissed his forehead gently. He tilted the bottle to wet his hand a little and placed it on Minhyun's forehead, hoping that would help bring the heat down a little.

Baekho felt himself gradually falling asleep too but shook his head to stay awake. He sighed, wondering when Minhyun would wake up. Maybe he should wake the other up but considering his physically health and Minhyun's actual health, they were both in no position to be walking around. The shack door opened with a loud creak, making Baekho startled and alert. His hand grabbed the sword that was on the table, ready to fend off whoever that was.

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