Black Bath

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The bath tub could fit the both of them without a need to worry about space. Although their feet did touch slightly since they were stretched out. Baekho stared at Minhyun nervously while Minhyun was just arranging his soap bottles.

"Minhyun," Baekho started, getting the other's attention.


"I was thinking..." Baekho fumbled with his fingers and had to stop talking when he felt his nerves catching up to him. Minhyun tilted his head.

"What's wrong? Spit it out."

"I... I do want to get closer to you," Baekho said softly. He tapped his feet against Minhyun's. "But will your status as a prince... allow that?"

Minhyun blinked, taking in Baekho's words. He moved so that he was beside Baekho. "We are closer now." Baekho chuckled and shook his head.

"That's not what I mean. I mean... getting to know each other better. Helping one another. That kind. I want to help you with... work. With something. Anything."

Minhyun knew what Baekho was trying to say but he didn't know what the other could help with. "I don't know... There's not much a foreigner can do." He sighed and pulled his legs closer to hug. "I mean, after what happened yesterday, I don't think I want to put you out there. People will start attacking you if they know.... how weak I get when it comes to you."

Baekho pursed his lips and nudged Minhyun. "Hey, if you let me keep my sword, I promise I'll stay out of as much trouble as I can as long as you let me help you." He smiled that assuring smile. Minhyun looked at him and chuckled.

"Not sure if my head knight would allow that," he said and sighed, moving his hand in the water. "You could... be my bodyguard or something. I don't know. What are you good at?"

"Being a bodyguard," Baekho said and Minhyun squinted at him, making both of them laugh. "I'm serious. If you need someone to protect you, I can. As long as I have the permission to do so. Something like what happened with Ren won't happen ever again so you won't have to be worried sick."

"I'll take that into consideration...," Minhyun replied. The two stared at one another for awhile, enjoying the company of the other.

"Say, can I kiss you?" Baekho asked. Minhyun was dumbfounded but nodded. Baekho smiled and leaned closer slowly until their lips connected. It was slow and soft. Sensual even. Baekho pulled back and hummed a soft tune. "I think... I can get used to that."

Minhyun smiled, biting his lower lip as he did so. He felt at peace. "Idiot."

"Hey. I'm not-" Baekho stopped when he felt the blood rush. He gulped and tried to act normal. "I'm not an idiot."

"Sure you are. One moment you say you're straight, the next you want me to kiss me." Minhyun noticed Baekho wriggling uncomfortably. He raised a brow and placed a hand on Baekho's shoulder. "Something the matter?"

"N-no! I'm okay," he said quickly and posed awkwardly. Minhyun wasn't that dumb though and could tell that something happened.

"Did your wound open up?"

"Huh? No."

"Then... is your butt pain from having sit for so long?"


"Huh... You do know you always try to cover your front whenever you get turned on, right?" Minhyun teased and poked his cheek. Baekho felt embarrassed and wanted to slide under the bath but that would probably hurt so he didn't.

"I can't help it. Plus, I'm also a 25 year old healthy teenager like you."

"Also? How did you know I'm 25?" Minhyun asked curiously.

"The doctor told me..."

"Ah... so we are friends of the same age. Then you don't have to act so shy," Minhyun said, sliding his hand under Baekho's own hand.

"That's not it. Wait, Minhyun!" Baekho held Minhyun's wrist. "It's just that the marks from yesterday still feels kind of sore..."

"Oh. Right. I'm sorry," Minhyun said, slowly pulling away but Baekho stopped him. Minhyun was confused by his action.

"It's did it for me before so can I do it for you?" Baekho asked in a rather shy tone. Minhyun couldn't help recalling Baekho's expression back in the dungeon. He knew that memory brought him pain but it also made him excited yet he wanted to erase all traces of it from Baekho's body and memory.

"I...uh..." Minhyun was pretty speechless. He hadn't quite expect Baekho to take the initiative. "Well, what can go wrong... As long as you let me touch you too. I'll be gentle."

Baekho grinned and nodded, sitting much closer than Minhyun initially thought he would. Minhyun rolled his lips inwards, not mentally prepared at all for someone to actually touch him.

"This is my first time doing it so... I'm sorry if I'm not as good as you," Baekho said before slowly cupping his hand around Minhyun's member.

"I'm not that good myself.... You are the first person I did it to too," Minhyun said, relaxing into the touch. He didn't hesitate to reach out for Baekho either, amused that Baekho could still get hard like that despite what happened.

"Really? You're really good at it though. I wouldn't have known that if you didn't say it."

"What. You think I just go around touching people?" Although Minhyun could have gotten irritated at what Baekho thought of him, he didn't since Baekho was already moving his hand rhythmically along his length. He covered his mouth to stop the moans from escaping. He noticed that Baekho didn't really make as much noise as he wanted to. Or maybe the other was holding back just as much.

The two fell silent and just continued with touching each other. Baekho found himself tracing Minhyun's chest as well. He felt the smooth skin of the prince, silently tempted to lean down and drop kisses on them but held back. The other just used his other hand to steady himself so he wouldn't start arching his back for more. He still had some pride in him to not seem weak or exposed. Baekho didn't seem to notice what Minhyun was doing. He was just feeling it and found Minhyun to be even more beautiful than he already was. He wondered if he was blind before this or maybe it was just a new found attraction he had towards the other.

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