Advancing Black

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Minhyun entered his room and smiled at Baekho who was just lounging on the bed and flipping through a book since he had nothing better to do. Baekho turned around and grinned.

"You're back," he said happily and Minhyun nodded, closing the door behind him. "You want to take a shower first?"

Minhyun nodded again. Somehow he was reminded of the time when Baekho was only willingly doing things for him for the sake of his kingdom. He wondered if the trip to Ren's place made him more open about things. Either ways, he liked the current Baekho more and was steadily finding more things to like about the other although he still didn't quite want to admit it aloud. He also noticed that Baekho's hair was slowly turning back to black again. He walked into the shower and made sure he was clean and properly dressed before walking out.

"Do you want me to use cream? Or just my hands?" Minhyun asked as he slid onto the bed beside Baekho, feeling comfortable. Baekho hummed, his lips twitching to a corner as he thought.

"Just hands," he replied. "The cream... was too good." Minhyun was confused but then remembered the last time he had given Baekho a massage. He found himself getting flustered as he recalled the event but kept a straight face.

"Ah... ahem... Don't you want to feel good though?" He decided to take the chance to tease Baekho instead. The other turned pinkish and pouted.

"I do but I thought it would be better if we just... relaxed today," Baekho mumbled while fiddling with his fingers. Minhyun let out a giggle and laid his head on Baekho's lap. It felt so natural now to do something like this despite them only knowing each other for a month or so. Baekho slowly combed Minhyun's hair with his hand.

"Hmmm... but what if I feel like doing something naughty today? Will you say no?" Minhyun asked while looking into Baekho's twinkling eyes.

"No- I mean, I won't say no to you. We can do whatever you want," Baekho said sheepishly and tried to cover his blushing face. This was so not manly of him. Minhyun beamed and sat up.

"Want to have sex then?" He asked straightforwardly. Baekho was clearly shocked and stunned by the question. Minhyun was already climbing on top of the other though, tapping his chin to get him to knock out of it.

"A-are you sure?" Baekho asked, biting his lip nervously.

"You'll do it, right? Since you like me and you've always said you should do it with someone you like."

"I did say that but... do you... like me?" Baekho gulped nervously. His body was ready for action but his mind wasn't.

"Does that matter?" Minhyun asked, placing his hands onto the buttons of the pyjamas. Baekho held them and nodded.

"Yes... If you don't, you might not find it enjoyable. I don't want you to do something you'll regret," Baekho said softly. Minhyun frowned a little but let that feeling pass. Instead of saying anything more, he kissed Baekho gently. Drew him in more by wrapping his arms around his neck. Baekho didn't fight back and just let himself drown in the kiss. He was startled when he felt Minhyun's tongue sliding across his lips but parted his lips for him. The kiss turned sloppy but heated as the two started battling for dominance. Minhyun pulled away first to breathe.

"Top or bottom?" He asked quickly as he stared into Baekho's dazed eyes.

"What does that mean?" The innocent boy asked, kissing Minhyun's neck. Minhyun wasn't expecting Baekho to ask him that in return. He smirked and kissed Baekho's forehead.

"It means either you have a dick up your butt or I have one up mine. Simple enough?" Baekho's cheeks reddened from Minhyun's explanation. When did the other start being so honest?


"Don't worry. It's my first time too either ways." Minhyun wasn't sure if what he said was helping since Baekho had that look of disbelief.

"Are you really... a virgin too?" Baekho lifted Minhyun and switched their positions in a flash with him now hovering over Minhyun's lengthy body.

"Yes. Idiot."

"Are you sure you want your first time to be with... me?" At this point, Minhyun was holding back from giving Baekho a hard punch to make him stop asking him questions when he had steeled himself to bring up having sex.

"If you don't want to, we don't have to," he snapped a little.

"I-i do! But I'm afraid things will go wrong. You're still a prince after all. And... and there are so many things that could go wrong...." Baekho was just trying to be thoughtful and not let his instincts take over then. Minhyun knew it was better not to do it but for once, he wanted to be selfish and do something he felt like doing. He wrapped his legs around Baekho's waist. He couldn't back down now.

"I know. I know things can go south but just once... let me have this. If I don't like it, I'll stop you. Okay?" He felt his nightmare fueling him as he pulled Baekho closer for another kiss. Baekho groaned in agreement as they locked lips, melting into the sparkling sensation. Ever since Baekho had become more open towards Minhyun, Minhyun felt as though his chest could burst from happiness. He didn't feel the same loneliness anymore. It was filled with this sunshine called Baekho. His world seemed brighter and he felt as though he didn't even need to care about his parents' approval.

His parents. That made him broke the kiss as he looked at Baekho worriedly. The other caught his look and started kissing his neck as a distraction.  That was quite enough when Baekho found his sweet spot on the neck, making Minhyun let out a little noise. He held onto Baekho, both arms and legs.

"Minhyun, don't koala hug me so tightly," Baekho said while laughing. Minhyun found his cresent like eyes whenever he smiled or laughed really adorable.

"Oh, we don't have to decide top or bottom if we do something else," Minhyun said, pushing aside the thought of his parents to the back of his head for now. That can be a worry for another day. Right now, he just wanted the full attention of person right in front of him.

"Hmm? What do you suggest?"

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