White Contact

128 6 2

*definitely a rated chapter*


The first few touches were careful. Then they both got brave enough to remove each other's clothing. Although Baekho had to allow Minhyun to do it first so they wouldn't clash at the sleeves. Once Baekho's shirt was off, Minhyun gently palmed his thigh as Baekho removed the buttons.

"You're really sure about doing this?" Minhyun was the one who asked this time.

"It'll be awkward to stop now," Baekho said since he was already almost done unbuttoning Minhyun's pyjamas. Minhyun chuckled and nodded, sliding it off his shoulders and placing it to one side. He tugged at Baekho's pants and the other knelt so he could pull it down. Baekho kicked the rest of it off.

"No backing off now," Minhyun said as he removed his own pants as well. Both stared at each other's almost bare naked body. Although they had already seen each other naked before, it was still pleasing to the eyes. Baekho's body was more muscular while Minhyun's was slender yet well built. "Do you want to lie down or...?"

"I'm fine with either," Baekho said and scooted closer so he could put his arms around Minhyun. He pulled him in for a deep kiss, something the other hadn't expected but still went along. Minhyun unconsciously smiled behind the kiss. It made his feel fluttering all around his tummy and chest. Warm fuzzy feelings weren't the only things Minhyun felt too.

They let their tongues roll around one another, slowly getting the hang of what the other preferred and sometimes letting one take over. It didn't take long before they both went into a small laughing fit and laid down, holding each other closer. Everything felt so right then as though their statuses didn't matter, nothing mattered. Only them in a room together did.

Minhyun decided to make the next move and attacked Baekho's chest with light kisses. Baekho giggled and tried to hold Minhyun back since it tickled. Minhyun's hands trailed their way down to the hem of Baekho's underwear, teasing him with gentle rubs against his pelvis. Baekho groaned softly and arched his back.

"Don't get surprised now," Minhyun said with a smirk as he rolled his body forward, connecting their underwears and slowly rubbed himself against Baekho. Of course the other was surprised but he was too in the mood to actually feel anything else other than pleasure and happiness. In fact, he found himself moving along with Minhyun's hip movements. Minhyun covered his lips with one hand, trying to stop himself from letting out his cries but Baekho noticed that and stopped moving. He sat up straighter and moved Minhyun's hand away, kissing him gently.

"It's okay to make some noise," Baekho said and Minhyun blushed.

"But what if my moans make you turn off?" He asked and pouted slightly. He sat down on Baekho's lap, wrapping his arms around the other.

"You have a beautiful voice, Minhyun," Baekho said sincerely, causing Minhyun to turn even redder.

"No fair," he huffed. "I won't make a noise unless you do too." Baekho puffed his cheek but nodded.

"Only if I feel like it." Minhyun reached down into Baekho's underwear, tugging it down as he slid his member out. Baekho squeaked a little but didn't want Minhyun to have everything go his way again. This time, he was more determined.

"We are doing this," Baekho muttered under his breath to convince himself that there was nothing wrong with two princes doing something like this. Nothing wrong at all. Minhyun nodded as he rubbed Baekho's length. Baekho pulled Minhyun's underwear down as well, sending small shivers up his spine as the coldness of the room enveloped his exposed member. Baekho's warmth did help as the other pulled Minhyun closer until both their juniors were almost touching. "Okay.."

"I can do it if you're too shy," Minhyun said, letting go of Baekho. Baekho almost felt a whine escape his throat but held it down.

"No! I'm doing it. We even did rock paper scissors over this," he huffed, slowly cupping both members together in his hand. It felt weird at first for their skin to come in contact but once Baekho started moving his hand, the weirdness was replaced with an intensity thew two boys had never felt before. Minhyun found himself leaning even closer until his body was against Baekho's. He was moving his hips as well, causing more friction to happen in the midst of it all.

Baekho let his voice out this time, soft gasps and moans. Minhyun could feel his ears tingle and cheeks burnt. Most of his body burnt along. Even if they weren't penetrating each other, this was still a pretty intense feeling for both first timers. Feeling each other's bodies and even going as far as to rubbing themselves together.

"Faster, Baekho ah," Minhyun whined, pulling Baekho in for another kiss. This time it was rough and needy. Baekho couldn't help thinking that Minhyun seemed so sexy when he was all unraveled like this. He did like the usual straight laced clean prince but this version wasn't so bad either. He was more honest and open. Baekho used both hands since he felt that one wasn't going to be enough.

The two felt their breathing start to become synchronised despite the fast pace. Their body heat was radiating strongly too, making both of them sweaty. Minhyun still kept his voice low and distracted himself by kissing Baekho's neck. He grumbled a little at the collar that was in the way but he didn't have the key on him now so he couldn't remove it. Baekho's moans turned more high pitched as Minhyun found his sweet spots and he started feeling the pit in his stomach. Minhyun had to stop kissing Baekho when he felt the same too.

"Minhyun...," Baekho gasped, trying his best to tell the other what was happening but couldn't quite stop himself. Minhyun could tell and tried to reach for the tissue but couldn't quite grab it. He shook his head.

"Baekho... Please... let me get the tissue," he groaned, silently regretting that he forgot about the mess this would make but Baekho wasn't hearing him. He kept going. Minhyun gulped and did what he had to so the bed wouldn't get dirty. He shoved Baekho down onto his back right before he felt himself climax. He let out a sultry moan and arched his back. It took Baekho a few seconds to register what happened but that was all it took for him to find his release too, ending it with a rather high pitched moan. Baekho's chest and stomach were covered with the after effects of their actions. Minhyun was flustered for a moment.

"W-wait! Don't get up. Let me clean it up first," he said in a panic. Baekho chuckled and nodded, finding Minhyun cute whenever he would make a fuss about keeping things clean. He could tell he would probably be asked to take a shower again too. Minhyun grabbed the tissues and wet tissues, cleaning himself up before cleaning Baekho's body. The wet tissues made him shiver from the contrast in temperature.

"Hnnn... it's cold, Minhyun."

"Bear with it for a bit. I'm almost done," the other replied, making sure there were no more traces left on the other's body before disposing of the tissues.

"Let's sleep like this," Baekho said with puppy eyes, hoping that Minhyun would agree just this once since he was getting pretty tired. Minhyun stared at Baekho, trying to weigh out the options. Have a warm shower and sleep comfortably or snuggle with sweaty Baekho and possibly wake up annoyed. Minhyun could easily tell which option he preferred but seeing how bubbly Baekho's gaze were, he gave in.

"Fine. Just for tonight."

"Yay! Minhyun is the best."

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