White Tissue

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Baekho groaned slightly when he felt the bed he was sleeping in move a lot. He was usually a much heavier sleeper than this but after the prior incident, he didn't really feel at ease to sleep. He opened his eyes slightly and glanced around the room before turning his head to look at Minhyun. He noticed the other curled up uncomfortably in a fetus position. He got up, taking hold of the blanket to cover him but stopped when he heard the other whimpering. He leaned closer to try to hear what he was saying but they were mostly sobs. Baekho got worried and wondered if he was at fault for making the other cry at the way he acted just now. He wasn't outright rejecting Minhyun but it also didn't help that he said it that way. He just didn't think it would be fair to either of them to engage in sexual acts without proper feelings.

"Minhyun...?" He said softly, just to check if the other was actually sleeping or crying. The sobbing continued, making Baekho guess that the other was probably having bad dreams. He wasn't sure if he should wake him up or leave him be. He felt bad for sure. He slowly got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom, trying to find for tissue.

"Lights... lights. I can't see shit," he grumbled to himself and felt around. "Geez. What do I care. Stupid. Silly." He found the light switch and flicked it on, surprised at the size of the bathroom and again, the notable cleanliness even though he had seen it when he was showering earlier. He sighed and grabbed a few tissues before walking back to the bed. He squatted beside Minhyun and lightly dabbed the tears away, wondering what would make such a strong soul cry. He stared at Minhyun who shifted slightly at the contact and his sobs died down a little. Baekho smiled, thinking that Minhyun did look pretty even if he was crying. He reached out and patted Minhyun which was the wrong thing to do because the moment his hand touched Minhyun, the other jolted awake and grabbed his wrist.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. You're hurting me," Baekho hissed at the sudden hawk like grip. Minhyun gasped and let go, moving back.

"I-i am so sorry. What... what are you doing?" He asked in a tired voice, looking at Baekho with the tissue in hand. His head clicked in the wrong way but he wasn't one to judge.

"I was just wiping your tears," Baekho replied before Minhyun could take the thought any further. Instead he brought his hand up to his eyes and rubbed whatever tears remained there.

"What... why am I crying?"

"I don't know. You probably had a bad dream or something," Baekho replied as he tossed the tissues away. He turned the bathroom light off and shut the door before returning to his side of the bed.

"You didn't have to... wipe my tears," Minhyun said softly before laying down again once he felt Baekho's weight.

"I didn't and I don't know why I did either. Now my wrist hurts," he muttered to himself.

"I'm sorry. Thank... you?" Minhyun faced Baekho who looked at him.

"You already said I didn't have to but I accept your thanks," Baekho said with a cheeky grin. Minhyun sighed and shut his eyes. "Say... do you have nightmares often?"

"Yeah... every night."

"What about this afternoon? Did you have one?"

"What are you implying?" Minhyun was already starting to sound sleepy again. Baekho could tell the other was really low on sleep.

"I'm implying that maybe you just need some... warmth. If sleeping on my lap helped, maybe hugging you to sleep would help?"

"Not helping. Go to sleep. Don't forget what I did earlier," Minhyun mumbled his words. Baekho pouted. Of course he remembered but he also didn't want Minhyun to act so distant. He scooted closer but didn't lay his hands on Minhyun. He just stared at the other who was already drifting back to sleep before he slowly fell asleep too.

The morning came by and he was greeted harshly by the sunlight. Minhyun squinted and sat up, checking to see if he had cried anymore throughout the night. Dry cheeks. That's good, he thought before looking down at Baekho who was actually sleeping really close to him. He felt a small stab in his chest. He frowned, unsure what this feeling was. He lowered himself back to the bed and watched Baekho's low breathing.

Baekho had been nice enough to actually wipe his tears away. He wondered what would have happened though if he had actually done something to Baekho instead. Would he still have had wiped his tears away? Or maybe freak out so much that he would prefer sleeping on the floor? Minhyun knew he was a much lighter sleeper so he started playing with Baekho's hair, twirling the blonde locks between his fingers.

Something about the way Baekho ate and sleep made Minhyun feel at peace. When he was flustered or embarrassed, it made Minhyun somehow excited yet afraid. He wasn't sure why he was feeling so many different kinds of emotions with Baekho but he didn't think it was bad. If anything, it made him feel human. He leaned closer and kissed Baekho's forehead before getting up. That was going to be a secret that he would keep for a very long time. He hoped.

Minhyun went off to get ready for the day, allowing Baekho to take up all the space on the bed. He didn't feel tired anymore after recalling yesterday's events. Once he was done with washing up and changing into formal clothes, he shook Baekho up.

"Sleepyhead. Get up!" He huffed and tried to roll Baekho but the muscular male was heavy indeed so Minhyun had to settle for smacking him awake instead. It took awhile but Baekho gradually woke up, rubbing areas that somehow stung.

"Is it morning already....?" He mumbled.

"Yes. So up you go and get ready."

"Why...? There's nothing much for me to do anyways," Baekho grumbled like a little kid but Minhyun would have none of that.

"Of course you do. You're going to spar with the knights and go horse riding with me today," Minhyun said.

"Horse riding?" Baekho's lips broke into a giddy smile, almost causing Minhyun to break his own demeanour but he managed to hold it together. This man's smile was really something.

"Yeah so get your lazy bum up already."

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