White meets Pink

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After a whole week of boredom, Baekho found himself indulged in the books in the library. He wasn't really one for reading usually but he always thought it was better to have something to do than not. He flipped through the book carefully so that he wouldn't have to hear Minhyun complain about something else that wasn't his smell or complaints itself. He was minding his own business when the library door opened, turning and half expecting Minhyun to strut in, he was greeted instead by the maid that he had seen almost everyday by now. They even knew each other's names which made him realise that he didn't even know the tall guy's name and he was already allowing himself to be dragged around by the other. He smiled at her and she did the same, placing the tray of food down on the table in the middle of the library.

"Thanks. You're a real lifesaver," Baekho said with a joking tone and the maid beamed.

"Enjoy your meal," She said and turned around, about to leave when the door was opened even wider. A pink haired person poked his head inside, startling the maid for a while since she took a few steps back. Baekho turned his attention to the door when he didn't hear it close. He noticed a different person walking in as the maid went out, quickly sliding the leash that had been carelessly hanging out into his shirt as an effort to make it less obvious which worked since he had the coat on.

"Hello there~ You must be Minhyun's new toy," the person who Baekho had a difficult time telling of their gender cooed playfully. He did sound more male like than female and he was wearing prince like clothing which led the other to believe he was a male, he supposed. Baekho didn't reply him, reminding himself that Minhyun had told him not to let others see him but that was a little too late since he was caught off guard so he might as well pretend to be a wallflower that proved difficult when he was the only one there. The pretty boy hopped towards Baekho and stood in front of him with a bright grin. "What's the matter? Can't talk?"

Baekho turned away, refusing to look the other in the eye but he was really surprised when the other pushed him back against the couch and found his way onto his lap. Baekho froze, unsure what to do with this suddenly increasingly dangerous situation. The boy patted his lap and smiled.

"You've got quite the body. Is that why you get to have his attention all for yourself?" The boy's eyes greedily looked at the coat and shirt before placing his hands against them. Baekho instinctively grabbed hold of them to stop whatever it was he was about to do. "Oh? Why're you placing your hands on me?"

"I should be asking you that," Baekho blurted when he couldn't hold back anymore. The boy seemed pretty baffled by his tone.

"So you can talk. And of course, I'm just checking you out. Quite literally," the boy replied once he had recovered.

"You're not... that guy," he mumbled, wondering if he should just shove the other off from him or not. He didn't even know the other after all.

"What guy? You... you don't even know Minhyun's name?" The boy giggled. Baekho frowned and tightened his grip.

"I do! I just don't like saying it," he lied as if he hadn't just found out the other's name through this boy's lips.

"Why? Aren't you his boy toy? He hasn't done anything to you yet?"

"Again with that. What are you on about? Why would Min- that guy do anything to me?" The pink haired boy stared at Baekho with a confused look. He was about to say something when someone rushed in. Minhyun glared at the two who were in a misleading position. He walked over to the boy and pulled him off Baekho.

"What are you doing to him?" Minhyun asked coldly, his sharp gaze staring right into the boy who squeaked a little, surprised by the way Minhyun was acting towards him.

"N-nothing. I just wanted to check out y-your new toy," the boy replied in stutters.

"He is NOT a toy," Minhyun said, half trying not to sound too mean but it still seeped through slightly. "Get out, Ren."

The boy or rather, Ren, pouted but listened to Minhyun. He walked out and winked at Baekho one last time before disappearing from view. Minhyun let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his temples. Baekho went back to staring at Minhyun, unsure if he should say anything in this awkward atmosphere.

"Are you mad at me?" Was all he managed to think to ask. Minhyun turned to Baekho, confusion in his face before he shook his head.

"Why would I be?" He replied softly.

"Cause I talked to that boy.... even though you told me to hide from other people," he explained. Baekho watched as Minhyun shut the door and locked it before taking a seat beside Baekho.

"I'm not mad at you," Minhyun said after some thought. It was the truth though. "The maid told me Ren barged his way in when she opened the door.... What I am mad at is... is... I don't even know what I'm mad at honestly." Minhyun rubbed his neck tiredly. He wasn't sure why he had a surge of anger and annoyance earlier. He could name a few reasons but they all seemed weird to even be considered a reason to get mad.

"What did he mean by boy toy...? What do you plan on doing to me?" Baekho whispered after the short silence. Minhyun covered his lips as though to hide expression.

"I don't plan on doing anything in particular," Minhyun mumbled a vague reply. He wasn't sure what he actually wanted to do to Baekho after all.

"Seriously? You're not even gonna have a proper reply?" Baekho huffed, leaning with his arm against the couch so he could face Minhyun. Minhyun glanced at him, pursing his lips. He leaned closer to Baekho who leaned backwards instinctively.

"No because I don't have a proper reply." Minhyun thought for awhile, gazing at the other's body. He mustered some courage and laid his head down onto Baekho's lap.

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