Black Collar

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The occasional visits and almost similar days gradually made Baekho bored out of his mind. Sometimes he could get the tall male to talk for awhile longer but most of the time, it was just little bickering that they had both seem to attune to. Even the maid was more pleasing to talk to but her fear of being sacked kept her away most of the time too. Though Baekho didn't blame her for that. He could definitely blame the male who had brought him here in the first place yet had done nothing but feed him for a whole week. Maybe he was trying to fatten Baekho up for some witchcraft thing. He knew he gained weight easily but he still stuck to his evening exercises or at least whatever he could do with the cuffs still on as well. His wounds were mostly healed and he didn't feel that fatigued anymore.

"It's been a week," Baekho grumbled when Minhyun finally stepped in to see him for the day. The other seemed amused that Baekho had been keeping track but there wasn't really much the other could even do in his current situation after all.

"Yes. It has. And?"

"You... you said you wouldn't do anything for a week. And the week is over... so..." He found himself stuttering slightly, finding it inconvenient that he might actually be hoping for a change of pace. The other just smirked smugly as he walked closer to Baekho who kept a frown between his eyes.

"Are you expecting something?" The taller male cooed to the other's annoyance as he hovered over him. Baekho gritted his teeth and gave Minhyun a light push to make him step back since their close distance made him even more annoyed.

"No! It's just boring to be holed up in here for days with nothing to do," he grumbled after some thought. Minhyun patted his own clothing and made a slight sniffing sound.

"Oh. But of course I have prepared something for you to do today," Minhyun replied as he stepped closer again but grabbed Baekho by the cuffs before the other could shove him aside again. It didn't help that he was light too.

"What?" Baekho snapped slightly, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"For starters, you'll have to put this on." Minhyun pulled out a black collar from his back pocket to Baekho's surprise. He quickly shook his head which wasn't too surprising to Minhyun. Any normal person would.

"That's humiliating. What kind of sick joke are you trying to play on me?" Baekho hissed, wanting to slap it out of the other's hand but he couldn't quite move since part of him was frozen stiff with fear and Minhyun's other hand was still holding onto the cuffs.

"Well, it's a sick joke alright. I've already been easy on you for a whole week so you have to make up for that. If you try to take it off, you know what will happen," Minhyun cooed with a cold sly tone as he finally moved his hand away from Baekho once he was sure the other wouldn't fight back. He slid the collar around the other's neck and clicked the lock shut so it was secured.

Baekho made a soft whimpering sound, feeling uneasy about the whole situation now. It made him feel small and weak but Minhyun didn't want to let his own gentle emotions take over now. He couldn't. He needed to show who was in control or just felt the need to do so. He took out a long leash and hooked it onto the collar before removing the chains from the cuffs but not the cuffs themselves. Baekho shifted uncomfortably, moving the collar around and glared at Minhyun once in awhile but the other didn't say much. He just stared at Baekho for a long few minutes before he tugged on the leash, making the muscular boy stand up. Baekho made a hesitant sound but didn't attempt to fight back.

"Good boy. Now then, to your next agenda of the day," Minhyun said coldly as he dragged Baekho along, purposely taking bigger strides so the other would stumble at times when the leash went too far ahead.

Baekho wanted to cover his face from the onlooking maids and guards but didn't do so since he didn't want to look as weak as he felt now. He tried to keep up with Minhyun's pace as they walked along the hallways and up the stairs and sometimes down and sometimes turning. He had a better look at the palace itself too. Intricate designs littered the walls and ceilings, even the pillars. They were very different from those in his own kingdom but nevertheless, held their own value and beauty.

"Where are you bringing me?" He finally got himself to ask after walking down endless of corridors.

"To take a shower. You probably haven't taken one since the way," Minhyun replied bluntly. "So you stink and I don't like that."

"Wha..." He wasn't expecting the other to be bringing him to take a shower at all. He thought he was going to be tortured or who knows what else. He couldn't quite fathom the other's actions from the beginning, even more so now with the leash that reminded him that there was a collar around his neck. "And why shouldn't I stink? I'm just a prisoner."

"For the last time, you're not a prisoner."

"Oh yeah? Then take off these cuffs and better yet, this stupid collar," Baekho snapped, grabbing hold of the leash to get Minhyun's attention which he succeeded in since the other turned around.


"Why not? You keep saying I'm not your prisoner but you treat me like one. You're not treating me like an equal right now which I believe I am since you don't even know who I actually am. And just so you know, I am not a knight."

"What are you saying?" Minhyun asked in an annoyed tone. "You were standing in the battlefield by yourself that day."

"I was but I am..."

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