White Dreams

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The sunlight was already spilling into the room as Baekho opened his eyes. He shifted his body, feeling both sore yet fresh. It was a weird feeling but he didn't mind it until he realised Minhyun wasn't beside him. He quickly got up and opened the shower door that was close. Minhyun squeaked in surprise, holding the shower head and somewhat attempting to twist his body away from Baekho. Baekho sighed in relief.

"What the hell are you doing?" Minhyun snapped and splashed a little bit of water at him. Baekho chuckled and closed the door behind him.

"I need a shower too!" He said as he stumbled over to Minhyun, remembering that he was still naked.

"Just wait then. I'm almost done," Minhyun yelped as Baekho came in for a hug. He didn't want to dirty himself again so he moved away from the other. "Geez. Behave yourself." Baekho pouted but nodded, moving aside to give Minhyun his space.

"I thought you left already," Baekho said after awhile.

"Well I would have woken you up first," Minhyun replied, wondering if there was something wrong with him leaving. Baekho smiled at what Minhyun said and twirled his fingers happily. "What's wrong with you?" Minhyun got out from the shower and gave Baekho a pat on the head. "Also, you should really get a haircut."

"No, no. I was just thinking about your nightmare. There's nothing wrong. You think so?" Baekho lifted his hair and noticed it was definitely getting much longer than he used to have.

"What about my nightmare?" Minhyun asked as he dried his body, eyeing Baekho curiously.

"Well, before you woke up that night, I had a dream as well... I didn't tell you about it since I didn't want you to worry," Baekho replied. Minhyun tilted his head and walked over to Baekho, kissing his cheek.

"It's okay if you don't want to. It's not like I have to know everything about you," Minhyun replied. Baekho smiled and nodded, trying to sneak a kiss onto Minhyun's lips but Minhyun moved away fast enough. "No. Go brush your teeth first."

"Aww!" Minhyun stuck his tongue out at Baekho before leaving the room to get dressed. Baekho chuckled and went to take a quick shower.

By the time Baekho was done with showering and brushing his teeth, Minhyun had already left with only a note on the table. Baekho pouted slightly but guessed Minhyun had not much of a choice. He could only be patient about it. He picked up the note and read it.

'Advisor came to pick me up. Will be heading to town today, sorry I couldn't tell you. See you when I come back.

To town? Baekho froze. He suddenly realised that throughout his time here, Minhyun had never been out to town. The only time he had done something similar was when Baekho technically got kidnapped.

A knock on the door alerted Baekho after he got dressed and removed the bed sheets that were probably stained with sweat. He opened the door to see Aron standing there with a huge grin. It was a surprise for him to see the other so early in the morning. He quickly tossed the bed sheets behind the door.

"Good morning."

"Ah, morning, Aron," Baekho replied with a wide smile too.

"I heard Minhyun had business in town today so I came to find you here personally."

"Is it really okay for you to be sneaking around his palace like this?" Baekho asked while laughing, finding it funny that Minhyun's friends like to just appear around randomly.

"Why not? Unlike Minhyun, princes like me and Ren are quite free. Plus, you wanted to spar, right? Get better so that you can win Minhyun." Baekho nodded eagerly, following Aron out from the room. He made sure to close the door too. Changing the bed sheet would have to wait.

"I've been thinking about it... I think, if I do win him, I would properly tell him what I wanted to," Baekho said absent mindedly.

"Oh? And what is that?" Aron asked curiously although he can pretty much guess since Baekho always got all bright or red whenever they spoke about the tall prince. He was red this time.

"Just... a little something that I said so unmanly once," Baekho replied while clearing his throat.

"You like him, don't you?" Aron teased and Baekho literally choked this time. Aron laughed at the other who was coughing and wheezing.

"Y-you knew?"

"All this while. I'll be shocked if you think no one knows," Aron said, wriggling his brows. Baekho covered his red cheeks.

"Damn it. I thought I could hide it well. I don't want to be a burden to Minhyun though... which is why I'll win him and confess properly this time."

"I don't think Minhyun sees you as a burden. If he did, you wouldn't be sleeping in his room or even be anywhere near him."

"Guess not..." He knew how busy Minhyun could get after all. "Say, Aron, what do you think about dreams?"

"Dreams... Well, I think if a dream feels real enough, it might be a projection of another you in a different universe. Sounds too weird?" Baekho shook his head but the thought of that made him sad. "Why? Had a bad dream that you can't shake off?"

"Yeah.... Actually ever since I started liking Minhyun, I've had weird dreams. But the weirdest one was just recently when I woke up from my dream to find Minhyun in a nightmare. He asked if I would leave him after he calmed down. But in my dream, someone was trying to convince me to leave him. And I was trapped in this bleak room.... It was pretty vivid and I remember breaking down a wall out of rage if anyone thought that I would just abandon Minhyun now..." Aron listened carefully but he didn't really have any proper advice to give the other since he wasn't a professional when it came to dreams.

"What about your other weird dreams?"

"Hmm? Most of them were just me being isolated... Or drowning. Once I woke up in a desert all alone but everything felt as though something was trying to keep me away from Minhyun," Baekho said with a light chuckle, not wanting to make his dreams seem like a big deal when he was happy with Minhyun in reality.

"I have a guess as to what's going on."

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