Meeting Blue

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The next day was spent with giving Baekho a haircut and making sure he was healing well. As for Minhyun, he took the pescribed medicine and was handling everything pretty well. He even trained with Aron who still couldn't beat him even though he had been the one who gave Baekho tips on how to beat Minhyun in the first place. Baekho just cheered for them since he wasn't allowed to join them.

"Man, if only I could have witnessed my student winning you. Then I could have said that I won you before, right?" Aron chuckled when he lost again for the fourth time.

"Me winning is good and all but how are we going to execute the plan properly if I keep this up?" Minhyun grumbled.

"Try not to do what you usually do? You keep disarming me so you should just focus on deflecting me for now," Aron replied and Minhyun tried to follow. It was a habit of his to go in for the kill and not hold back but he knew this technique of his wouldn't work against his father well. They started training again and Minhyun focused on his defense this time, deflecting most of Aron's attacks. Some bounced off him lightly since the other wasn't going all out but he could tell Minhyun was losing stamina very quickly.

They kept going until Aron actually had his sword pointed towards Minhyun's throat when the other couldn't keep up anymore. He was panting and sweating a whole lot, feeling his arms about to give out. Aron retracted his hand and gave Minhyun a side smile.

"Good. We just gotta keep this up until you can actually block all my attacks," Aron said and Minhyun nodded, trying not to get annoyed and actually changed that to determination.

The second day wasn't too different with the two of them training until Minhyun could actually block Aron's attacks with only one or two grazes.

"Why don't we just drag it out longer?" Baekho asked. He was worried that Minhyun's father wouldn't go as easy on him as Aron did and turn out more injured at the end of it.

"We can't extend the plan. We need to strike before he finds out that the both of you are here," Aron explained. "Or he would catch us first and the plan will go to waste. Rumors spread fast among the people after all. So you won't know if the black knights are actually already here searching for you two."

"I'll be fine, Baekho," Minhyun said although he couldn't reassure himself. It was an uneasy feeling, having to face his own father and challenge him to a duel but he didn't want to run or hide anymore. Not after what he did to Baekho. Baekho nodded and could only pray that things would go as planned.

"Alright then. My guard told me that JR just arrived to pick the both of you up. Good luck and see you at the palace tomorrow," Aron said, giving them each a hug. Minhyun nodded and returned the hug.

"Please stay safe too. Thank you for risking your life for me like this. I-"

"Come on now. I told you to thank me afterwards." Minhyun nodded.

"See you then."

"See you too, my friend."

"Bye, Aron. Thanks for having us here instead," Baekho said and waved as the two followed the guard out through the back and up the carriage JR was waiting in. "Where's Ren?"

"He's preparing for tomorrow," JR replied Baekho. He tapped the carriage door twice and it started moving.

"Hey, JR, I hope you don't think I'm being rude but I've been really curious about something," Baekho said while leaning forward to talk with JR. Minhyun just let him be since it wasn't like he needed to control Baekho after all. Baekho was his own person now.

"Go on."

"Are you and Ren lovers?" His straightforwardness made JR break into a smile. Minhyun whacked his head lightly. Maybe controlling him a little would be fine. "Ow. What was that for?"

"Why would you ask JR that?"

"It's okay. I didn't expect you to ask me that either," JR replied once he calmed down. "Lovers wouldn't exactly be the right word for it... You could say he's my master and I'm just a nobody."

"That can't be true." Baekho pouted and folded his arms. "He seems to like you a lot."

"Ren is a prince and I'm not one. There's no way for me to stand on equal footing with him," JR explained. "Unlike you and Minhyun. You're both princes."

"Do you like him?" Minhyun had to nudge Baekho slightly for asking such insensitive questions but the other was just really curious.

"It's fine, Minhyun. I don't mind talking about it since Ren isn't around. Yeah, I do like him although I really hated him before this. I think Minhyun would know why. He was there when we first met too." Baekho turned to Minhyun with twinkling eyes, wanting to know the full story. Minhyun rolled his eyes.

"As long as it keeps your mouth shut in front of Ren later," Minhyun said. "JR is from the Blue Turtle Village. Ren, Aron and I went there for a short trip together. JR was a teacher and caretaker for an orphanage. Ren had an interest in him and wanted JR all for himself. He's a spoilt child so he would always get what he wants. If things didn't go his way, he would force it to."

"He threatened to burn the orphanage down if I didn't follow him," JR continued. Baekho couldn't believe it honestly but he stayed quiet and listened. "So I did. I followed him back to his castle. Back then, he had way more slaves. I managed to convince him to let everyone go in return for... my permanent freedom."

"What- why?"

"Because I felt bad for them and I felt worse that Ren couldn't control himself at times and accidentally hurt them but cry himself to sleep after. After what he did to you, he cried himself to sleep too. He's not actually a terrible person. He just can't control himself sometimes and goes overboard. I guess I felt sorry for him and eventually developed feelings for him over time. He's much better now but he can still be better. He's trying."

"And you're okay with getting hurt like that?" Baekho asked carefully, remembering what Ren did to him. JR shrugged.

"Like I said, I used to hate him but things have changed between us too. I believe in him."

"JR is too kind for his own good."

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