Chrome Coronation

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A/N : sorry if this chapter doesn't have the proper way to hold a coronation, I'm just doing my own interpretation cause it'll be a pain to have to research about it


Even after the truths that came to light, Minhyun didn't feel any different. The reasons were pretty simple. His father never treated him like a proper son. He never knew his biological mother after all and his sister had been trying to kill him for a long time so knowing the reason why she wanted to do it didn't change much for him. Though he was still thankful that Baekho took special care not to bring up these topics.

After careful consideration and serious discussions with the head knight and the advisor and various other people, Minhyun had decided he would take over the throne but he wouldn't be the only one. For the first time in their history, there would be two kings.

Hwang Minhyun, the Black King and Kang Dongho, the White King.

The preparations needed for their coronation was nerve wrecking for Baekho. He never expected this to happen but it was also such an unbelievable honor. In a way, it was like a marriage to him.

"What's wrong?" Minhyun asked one night when Baekho was tossing and turning in the bed they still shared. The advisor had asked them to take over the king and queen's quarters but Minhyun felt more comfortable in his own especially after they had removed the device that Aron had speculated was there. He no longer had that many nightmares and slept much better than before. Although he was still very much surprised that a machine like that did exist since it was way too advanced for their current technology.

"I'm just... too excited!" Baekho squeaked happily and hugged Minhyun tightly. Minhyun smiled and patted his head, giving it a gentle kiss as well.

"Excited about what?"

"The coronation! I mean, it's not that I really want to be king but if you think about it, it's like our official marriage," Baekho said and giggled like a little girl. Minhyun blushed a little from what the other said but also realised by now that Baekho had this cutest little giggles.

"Oh... I didn't see it that way," he replied honestly. Baekho didn't mind though since he knew Minhyun and him would be even busier now but as long as they were together, he didn't mind. "I thought of proposing to you again after the coronation but I guess there's no need to."

"What? You're not going to do it then?" Baekho asked in a panic, propping himself up with his elbow to look at Minhyun. Minhyun laughed and pulled Baekho down to kiss him.

"You're too adorable, you know that?"

"Yah! Are you teasing me again?" Baekho whined and pouted. Minhyun kissed his pout away and slowly moved as he made Baekho lay down so he was laying on top of the other. He nibbled Baekho's lower lip so the other would open up, sliding their tongues together. Minhyun liked it when the other was submissive even though the both of them already know who was the stronger one by now.

When Minhyun stopped to look at Baekho, he noticed Baekho was really red. He smirked and poked Baekho's nose. "What are you thinking about? Lewd stuff?"

"N-no!" Baekho huffed but Minhyun guessed males always had a more honest lower body sometimes. Minhyun chuckled and rolled off of Baekho. Baekho watched him, confused that the other wasn't doing anything to him and just going back to sleep. Baekho pouted, wondering if this was just Minhyun's way of forcing him to beg for something to happen. He wasn't going to give in so he just put his arms around Minhyun and shut his eyes, trying to ignore his lower body.

Sleep came much easier than the two had expected but it wasn't that surprising since they've been really busy everyday now. Especially with settling business matters and having to get the palace ready for the ceremony.

The next few weeks went by in a flash with clothes fitting sessions and all the fancy things as their coronation day finally rolled by. Baekho was still a complete nervous wreck but Minhyun tried his best to calm him down. He held Baekho's hand and gave them gentle kisses.

"Don't worry so much. The ceremony is shorter than you think. What you need to worry about more is the after party," Minhyun said.

"Not helping," Baekho wheezed and leaned his head on Minhyun's shoulder. Minhyun chuckled and patted Baekho's head, careful not to mess up the work done to it. He thought Baekho looked really smart and cool when he was dressed neatly with a light touch up on his face but didn't mention it. Minhyun wasn't exactly sure how to calm Baekho down since all the thoughts he currently had would have the opposite effect instead. He decided it was better to just get this over with. Baekho tugged Minhyun's hand slightly to get his attention. He turned over and Baekho gave him a kiss. Minhyun smiled behind the kiss and really wanted to devour the other but decided they'll have to wait for the night to fall.

"Sneaky," Minhyun said and the door opened before them. They straightened their capes and started walking down the carpet laid out for them. There were petals raining over them and an orchestra that started playing. People started cheering and Minhyun could spot a few familiar faces.  He smiled at them and walked up to the stage that had been cleared for them, making sure Baekho was right with him. The advisor looked proudly at both males and their lifesaver was among the other maids who were tossing petals in the air.

The ceremony started with a speech from the advisor and then the crowns showed themselves. Baekho was nervous but looking at Minhyun, he felt like everything would be fine. Minhyun was crowned first and he made his way to the throne before Baekho was given the second one. He grinned and thanked the advisor who actually gave him a hug. He was really surprised but let it be.

"You've suffered a lot for our kingdom. Thank you. I'm proud to have you as a king with our prince," the advisor whispered before letting go. Baekho nodded and went up to the other throne, taking a seat as the ceremony went on.

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