White Confession

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Minhyun was still in denial that he might have to part with Baekho even when he reached the palace. He walked hurriedly towards the training ground where he felt most likely to meet Baekho. He was right when he saw the male that he had come to fall for going in hard against the head knight. His chest clenched, thinking of all the terrible things that could happen if he were to stay. He took a few slow steps towards the two who still hadn't notice him yet.

"You've gotten much better than the first time we went head to head," the head knight said and Baekho grinned, clearly happy with his progress. "But still not eno-"

"Stop!" Minhyun bellowed, causing both of them to get distracted and turning to him.

"Minhyun? You're back. What's wrong? You look pale."

"Hey! Address the prince properly." Baekho received a smack at the back of his head.


"It's fine." Minhyun walked over to them, taking the sword out of the head knight's hand. "Baekho... Right now, I need you to spar with me. One round."

"But aren't you tired?"

"I'm not." Minhyun unclipped the cape off his shoulders, letting it fall. "I need to know how strong you are now so please... don't hold back."

Baekho started feeling worry tug in his chest. He didn't know why but he felt Minhyun's desperation. He wondered if something happened in town. Nevertheless he couldn't back down on a fight now. He nodded and prepared himself. This was still a chance for him to win.

Minhyun had to calm himself down too so he was pretty glad that Baekho took the time to get ready. The sword wasn't his but he could handle it. Once they were both ready, they lifted their swords up and gave one another a knowing look. The head knight stepped aside with Minhyun's cape in his arms. The other knights had also stopped to watch, each rooting for both of them.

Neither uttered a word. They just stared in each other's eyes, feeling everyone else slowly dissipate until it was just them. Baekho made the first move. He was going to try to wear Minhyun down this time instead of giving him an opening just like how Aron taught him. Minhyun's frown appeared as soon as their sword's connected. He could feel Baekho's strength push him back. Even though he was prepared for it, it still came as a shock.

Baekho didn't slow down, constantly clashing their swords together to make Minhyun waste his energy without having a second to fix his stance. Minhyun could tell what Baekho was doing but he could also tell the other was much better than before since Minhyun found it hard to get close enough. He felt a desperate cry wanting to spill but he couldn't stop now. He had to win. He had to. As an excuse to send Baekho away.

He felt his eyes start stinging but he didn't back down from Baekho's advances. Now wasn't the time to get emotional. He breathed in sharply and twisted his body out of the way of Baekho's sword. He swung hard, trying to knock the other out but Baekho let himself fall, making Minhyun miss his swing.

That's right. Let your instincts take over. Baekho pushed himself up and rammed the hilt of his sword into Minhyun's abdomen. The tall male gasped and stumbled back. That was it. One point but he lifted his sword up, unwilling to give up the fight. No. He can't. He couldn't.

"Sir, you lost," the head knight intervened as he noticed Minhyun's flaring eyes. Baekho stepped back, breathing hard as he looked at Minhyun. He felt a different kind of fear as he stared.

"No! I have not!" Minhyun snapped but his voice cracked. His tears slipped out this time as he dropped the sword and covered his face. "No..."

"Minhyun... What's wrong?" Baekho asked softly, feeling dread claw at his very being. He could tell Minhyun was bothered by something. He walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. He felt Minhyun attempted to push him away but there was no actual force behind the push. "Hey, don't cry."

"I can't... this is too much."

"Minhyun? Please tell me what's going on... If you don't, then I have something to tell you." Minhyun sniffed and wiped his tears away.  He looked at Baekho who smiled at him. It made his chest tight again but he had to stop crying. All the knights were watching after all.

"You first then," Minhyun said with his cracked voice. It hurt Baekho to see the other this way but he had already made his decision.

"Okay," he said, breathing in. "I made a promise to myself. If I ever win you once, I would confess to you properly."

Minhyun gritted his teeth, trying not to let his emotions rage all over him. Baekho wasn't sure if this was the right time to do it since they were technically in front of the knights but he didn't want to back down especially since Minhyun was hiding something that seems to be hurting him. He would just help the other sort out the problem later. Whatever it was, he won't let it hurt Minhyun anymore.

"I like you. Would you be my partner for life?" Baekho confessed. He heard a few gasps from the knights but steeled himself from getting embarrassed even though he felt himself cringing internally for saying something so cheesy.

"Yes," Minhyun cried softly and hugged Baekho tightly. Baekho wasn't sure to be happy or worried but returned the hug just as tightly. "I like you too,  you idiot...."

"I don't think that was necessary," Baekho chuckled. Minhyun sniffed and let out a small laugh too. The head knight walked up to them and patted both males on the back before shooting a glare at the rest to go back to their practice.

"While this is all very sweet, would you like to talk to us about your worry now, sir?" The head knight asked, trying to push the fact that the prince of their country was in love with a male to the back of his mind. That was another worry he would handle for a different day or so he thought.

"They're coming back and... I can't let you stay, Baekho."

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