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It started to rain harder and harder but I kept running. There were no nightmares last night.
I was guaranteed one after the news I received but something kept them away. I want them away every night. 

It was getting colder but I still ran. I slowed down at Sanas plain looking apartment. She shouldn't go back to this dump. 

That same girl Hirai Momo hurried out of the second floor. "Hey" I waved at her from afar.
She started to walk over to me with an umbrella in her hand. She quickly put the umbrella over me. "H..hello" I smiled then grabbed it form her. "Where to?"

"Hirai Dance" I'd seen that place a couple times on my run, there were always a lot of people gathered inside. "Do you want a towel? The door is unlocked, someone's still in there."

"Thank you, get to work safe" I handed her back the umbrella and ran up the stairs to Sanas apartment. I turned the nob and walked in. 

"Momo?" I walked further and saw two young looking girls. I bowed at them introducing myself. They both froze in place and said nothing.

"Hirai said you had a towel and umbrella I could use?" The pale girl stood up and immediately showed me to the bathroom.
"E..e..everything should be in here." I nodded and she left me. I took this opportunity to check to see if Sana was really living in an ok environment. 

The shower had some mold on the corner. The curtain looked liked it wasn't changed in a year. I looked out and saw a room with a bed. Sana must sleep with Momo so that's why she wanted to sleep with me. I had never slept in the same bed with anyone, that was all new to me.

I woke up to someone sleeping next to me. It was almost a peaceful feeling yet for some reason I filled up with anxiety.

I patted my hair and body down with the towel. I could hear the girls whispering about me from the other room. "Thanks for the towel. I'll be getting you someone to check out the mold in your bathroom be sure to tell Hirai about that." They both nodded and smiled at me.

I opened the door when another person entered the apartment. "Oh..I'm sorry" it was a tall more proper girl. She bowed politely and held the door for me. "It's ok. Have a good day"


The sound of rain woke me up. I rubbed my eyes and suddenly remembered I wasn't at home with the smell of pancakes but at Jihyos penthouse. There was only the smell of her in the room.

I stood up and went to the bathroom. There was a note next to the sink.

—— Sana, I should be back from my run soon. Don't worry I go on a run every day even if it rains. You can eat anything in the fridge—Jihyo

Knowing I could eat anything I took no time to run to the fridge to see what she had. I stopped before I could get there. A long black door stared me down. It stood out from everything in the grey and white modern theme around the place. Must be something special in here. 

I put my hand nervously on the nob and turned it. It actually opened. 

"Sana" I flung back and almost fell. 

Jihyo straightened me out and shut the door I had opened.  
"Don't go in there. Ok" I nodded and looked down at my feet. "Its ok Sana. Just don't go in there, Maybe I'll have that paper printed for you." She lifted up my chin and locked eyes with me. She had this strange power to her. I felt frozen from her gaze but also blushed at the way she was looking at me.  

"Or I can read the paper to you? Your choice"
I noticed the water dripping down from her face. Her hair was now a black from the rain. She effortlessly looked so good."Read it to me" she smiled and we went to the kitchen. Why did she get so close to me.

"Let's see..I have eggs and ramen." She laughed a little and put the two items down on the marble table.

"Better than pancakes" I giggled while grabbing the ramen from the table and taking a better look at it. "You don't like pancakes?" She sat down next to me and examined the ramen as well. "No it's just there really cheep so I have them everyday. Momo makes them for me before she goes and dances."

"She's a nice girl." Jihyo pulled out a new phone and dialed a number.

"Yes this is Park Jihyo owner of Park Entertainment.....Yes now would be great. I'll let them know." She put her phone down and began to fill the ramen up with hot water.

"What was that about?"
"Your bathroom had mold in it. I can't have you living like that so I called someone to remove it." I started to panic. There was no way that momo could pay for a service like that. "Jihyo! We don't have the money for thattt" I whined putting my head down. 

"Sana look at me." Jihyo lifted my chin up again.

"I got that covered. Don't think you ever have to pay for me"   "Bu—ok" the microwave buzzed and are ramen was done. 

"I have the day off so I could show you around the house?"

"Ok! Sounds fun" 

She pulled out her computer. "Here I'll read some of my terms to you first." She sighed and then gave me a little smile. 

"Don't share anything I tell you with anyone else, that makes trust between us. Don't do anything I haven't allowed you to do such as open that door over there." I know my curiosity was going to get the best of me. Why didnt she want me in there?

 "Don't contact any of my family members in a time of my need instead go to my friends from the dinner. I want you to stay by my side at all times so you can do your job." I can't contact her family? No matter what I thought these were Jihyos rules. In order to keep this job I had to follow them. But it makes no sense. 

"What if something happens to you. I can't call your mother?" Her hand went in a fist.
"No I'm afraid you can't do that."

"Why?" She stood up and walked to the window. "I don't want to talk about it."

"I understand" I stood up and walked over to her. She turned around and hovered over me.
"How can you understand Sana"

"My mother left me to fend for myself when I was still a senior in high school. I..Its been

Her lips made sudden contact with mine. I completely froze in shock. My heart rate went up and my face reddened. "Ji.." she slowly kept up with my pace as I tried my best at kissing her back. I had never felt so flustered in my life. I had Park Jihyo kissing me. My mind was racing, why was she doing this?

She pulled away and placed her forehead on mine. She looked so sad and desperate, her eyes like a puppy's. "I'm sorry that happened to you Sana"

"Ill be ok, what happened to your mother?" She turned away and leaned on the window letting out a big sigh. 

"In the car I received a text from someone saying my m..Sana" She came over to me. Tears started to bolt out of my eyes when I knew how that sentence would end. All these emotions all at once hit me because of that kiss. I don't even know this girl but here I was crying over her loss.

"Don't cry, please. Its my burden to hold" Im supposed to spend the rest of my time watching over her. This is my burden too. I want to help her. It my job to be here for her during these things.

"Who said you had to deal with this all yourself?" I put my arms around her in a hug.
"Thanks for telling me Jihyo." I rubbed her back. She took one big breath and then shook her head. 

"No stop. I need to clean up." She gently pushed me aside and walked away.

Her mood changed fast again. I thought she'd want comfort from me after a moment like that we shared.Why can't I comfort her when she was so vulnerable to me. I felt my chest pile up into a million nots. She's such a mystery already.

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