Brothers (Short Story)

Start from the beginning

"I hope so. I wanna be on your team." Steve said, having to walk a bit faster to keep up with Bucky.

Bucky nodded his head, keeping silent. He wanted Steve on his team too. But, the other kids didn't really like having Steve play. He wasn't exactly the most able-bodied child in the neighborhood. Even so, Bucky thought he deserved a chance.

When they arrived, a few kids were already playing. When they spotted the duo, they stopped and waved. "Hey, Bucky!" They called out. "Come on, get over here and play!"

The two boys jogged over, waiting to see what position they would be assigned to play. "Bucky, you go be shortstop."

"What about me?" Steve asked.

"Um, you can go watch over there." One of the older kids said, pointing towards the wall. There were a few other children over there, mostly girls. Not wanting to embarrass Bucky, Steve walked over there.

The boys continued their game, gradually getting louder and louder with each exciting play. "Hi, Steve." One of the girls piped up, carrying her jump rope.

"Hi, Marie." He replied, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"How come you aren't playing ball?" She asked, tugging on her brunette pigtail.

"Well, they told me to watch from over here. I guess there's not a spot for me." He shrugged. He was used to it. It wasn't uncommon for him sit the sidelines.

"But, Bucky's team is missing a player." She said. Steve looked where she was pointing, noticing it too. "You should go over there and play anyways."

"I don't know. Maybe it's best to just stay out of the way."

"Well, I think you'd be the best player. You should show them." She smiled, beginning to jump rope.

"You think so?"

"Yeah. What does Tommy know anyways?" She said, slightly scrunching her nose in disgust. Taking a deep breath, Steve nodded his head and walked back to the ball game. He went and stood beside Bucky, whose team was batting.

"Steve, what are you doing?"

"You're missing a player. I can help."

"Tommy told you to watch."

"I don't care."

"But, Steve--"

"Hey, I thought I said there were no open spots." Tommy said, pausing the game and walking over to Steve.

"But there is." Steve said, looking up at the much older boy. Though his heart was beating out of his chest, he stood his ground. He was going to play.

"Look, there's no way you could even pick up the bat. Look at your wimpy arms." Tommy laughed, pointing at Steve.

"Hey, just let him play." Bucky defended, standing in front of Steve.

"You're actually defending this kid? Look at the size of him." Tommy chuckled, gesturing to Steve.

"Leave my brother alone." Bucky nearly growled, stepping closer.

"Brother? The kid looks nothing like you!" Tommy scoffed. The two were polar opposites. Bucky was much taller and stronger and his hair was a lot darker. But he had this bond with Steve that made it feel like they really were brothers.

"Either you're going to let him play or we're both leaving." Bucky said as Steve peeked out behind him.

"Then get out! We don't need you two." Tommy shouted, getting the attention of everyone. Bucky turned on his heels, Steve chasing after him.

"I'm sorry, Bucky. I should have stayed on the sidelines." Steve quickly apologized. "I didn't mean to get you kicked off." He added with some sniffs.

Bucky turned around, seeing the tears on Steve's face. He was quickly wiping them, not wanting Bucky to see them. He had to show how strong he was. "It's okay, Steve. Those guys are total jerks anyway. I'm not mad."

"You're not?"

"No. Let's just go home and make up our own game."


Night had fallen and Steve and Bucky had talked their parents into letting them have a sleepover. Bucky had pulled the cushions off of the couch and placed them beside his bed on the ground. "There, it's like a little bed for you."

Steve happily laughed, jumping onto it.

Bucky turned off the lights, jumping onto his own bed. The two were chattering most of the night, but their eyes were growing heavier by the minute. After a few yawns, Steve spoke up. "Bucky?"


"Did you mean what you said today?"

"What did I say?"

"About me being your brother. Are we really brothers?"

Bucky was quiet, thinking about how he was supposed to answer the question. It was hard to put into words. "We're not really brothers, but I like to think you're like my little brother."

"I like to think you're my big brother, too." Steve smiled, cuddling deeper into his pillow. After he yawned again, it was clear he was falling asleep. "Good night, big brother."

"Good night, little brother." Bucky softly replied, falling asleep as well.

Okay this turned out wayyyy cheesier than I wanted but it just seemed too sweet!!

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