You're Safe Now

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Hi, this story deals with the topic of abuse and kidnapping and PTSD, so if you're sensitive to that, don't read this.

Also sorry this took so long! I've had a wrist brace on and get it off on a few days, so it's been easier to write now, but I should be back and writing more frequently soon!

Love you all 3000

wren xo

Tony winced as the sound of stone hitting bone echoed throughout the dark room. He didn't wince from pain, due to the probably dangerous chemicals injected into him moments prior, but the sound was so disturbing it made his whole body clench up and shudder.

"Had enough Stark?" The devilish voice coming from a figure he could not see. This "secret organization", as they called themselves, had taken Tony hostage after discovering he had info about the might titan, Thanos. They also had a handful of drugs they needed to test, and what other way to make the genius cooperate?

Tony shook his head stiffly, weak from the injection. He had no idea how long he'd been in here, only that he suffered extensive injuries. They took out his arc reactor, plugging him into some weird contraption Tony also couldn't see. They kept the room dark constantly, Tony hadn't seen the sun in ages. He was strapped to a metal table 24/7, given water and mashed up food through a plastic straw they poured it into. They would often inject the genius with chemicals, and then beat him with blunt objects to make him talk. The only flaw, they only tested about three drugs on him. One made him paralyzed, unable to speak. One left him numb to the pain, so the beatings didn't cause him pain until they had left. The last one made Tony dizzy, thrown into a nightmarish world where he still, was unable to speak. They thought he was only being stubborn, so this had been going on for a long time now. They didn't have any form of mind control, so the only way they could get information was out of Tony himself.

One of the only things that kept Tony going, was Steve. Tony had been in love with Steve ever since the team got together about two years ago. He never told the super soldier, he would never love him back, but everyday, Tony thought about Steve, and made it through the torture.

"Fine, we'll do this again tomorrow, same time, same place. But we're testing something, watch out." The voice said, and Tony heard the large metal door clang shut, signalling his exit.

"Please, Steve. Find me. Help me. I need you." Tony whispered, knowing fully well nobody could hear him.

"Nat, run scans on the city again. Every square inch of it."

"Steve, we've ran five scans already, Tony is nowhere to be seen."

"Just do it!"

"Why? What gave you a sudden urge! We usually run these once a day!"

"I told you Nat! I had a dream last night, he was there, he was being tortured! He needs help! He needs me!" Steve's fist hit the table with extreme force, denting the metal. Natasha stared in shock. Steve was never one of have these kind of outbursts.

"I-I'm sorry..." Steve stuttered.

"Steve, I'm not trying to be rude, but why do you care so much? Don't get me wrong, we all care for him and want desperately to find him, but you seem, really concerned." Steve stared at the dent he made in the table intently, feeling his face flush.

"Steve, do you love him?" Nat asked, and Steve turned an even deeper shade of red. He nodded slowly. Natasha laid a hand on his shoulder, squeezing reassuringly.

"We'll find him Steve. I know it." She said, and Steve looked up, tears bubbling into his eyes. He nodded again, and noticed the red flash of light from the monitor.

•a lil bit of stony•Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ