You're My Hero

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Tony's POV

"Mr Stark!" A big voice boomed down the hallway.

"Yes, um, Nick, Nick Fury? Never bothered to learn your name." I said, turning around to face the man with the eyepatch.

"What in gods name did you think you were doing." He said, his expression angry and stern, kind of intimidating.

"Going to save the world, obviously." I said sarcastically, and the Iron Man hand flung to me, activating on command.

"No you're not. You're nothing Stark. You're just a stuck up, self absorbed smartass who thinks he runs this world." Fury said, and my mood changed.

"You're no hero Stark, you never will be." Fury walked away, spinning on his heel and out the door.

I stood frozen in the doorway. My world was breaking away piece by piece, and I could feel tears prickle in my eyes.

"Oh." I muttered to myself, and the tears slowly started to fall down my cheeks, slowly creating wet tear tracks.

"Tony?" A voice came up behind me, and I spun around, wiping the tears furiously from my face.


I made eye contact with baby blue pools, sparkling in the light. The smile quickly feel from his perfect face as he saw me, saw the tears.

"I'm sorry, I should..." I stuttered

"Hey, Tony what's wrong?" He said, stepping closer.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I muttered quickly.

"No, you're not. You can tell me." Steve whispered.

How was I, Tony fucking Stark, supposed to tell the beautiful man I was secretly in love with, Steve Grant Rogers, I was a weak piece of shit, breaking down over something Fury said.

"Tony?" Steve said, concern laced through his voice.

"Fury... He said I'll never be a hero." I choked out.

Steve looked at me for a few seconds, and then smiled brightly.

I swear his smile could light up a continent.

"Tony, you're my hero." Steve said, pulling me into a hug.

My heart skipped a beat, and I squeezed him back.

"Really?" I said, looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Really." Steve said, brushing my curls out of my face and wiping my cheeks.

I laid my head into his chest, and he rested his on mine.

"Thank you Steve." I whispered.

"Anytime Tony." He replied, twirling my curls in his fingers.

Im sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was really busy, oops

Short one I know, but already at 200 reads?! Thank you so much I don't deserve it skdjskjd.

I love you all 3000

wren xoxo

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