Hoseok gently stroked Taehyung's hair, kissing the younger's head as he stood up. "Taehyung, I suggest you leave. His punishment is going to be brutal and I don't want you seeing something like that..." Taehyung shook his head, clinging to Hoseok once more as his sobs steadily grew louder. "I- I want to watch," he hicupped, grabbing onto Hoseok's shirt as he remained sitting on the bed. Hoseok gently took Taehyung's hand in his, patting it as he placed it back in Taehyung's lap. "Do as you want. You do so anyway," he stated, turning towards Samuel once again. 

"You will be sorry," he stated as pulled out a small handle from his suit jacket, a dark smile on his face as he flicked out the straight razor. "You think you can touch what belongs to me like that," he asked, roughly grabbing Samuel's still hard cock. "Think again," he added, sliding the blade across the sensitive skin as he slowly and painfully sawed through Samuel's cock. His screams filled the air as Hoseok continued to hack away at it until he was holding the stump in his hand, blood covering his face and clothes. 

"What do you want me to do with this, Taehyung," he asked, remaining with his back to Taehyung. He didn't want him seeing what a mess he was right now, in fear that he'd only frighten Taehyung more. Taehyung whimpered softly, burying his face in his hands once again. Hoseok sighed softly as he forced Samuel's mouth open and shoved it down his throat, closing his straight razor. 

He threw Samuel to the ground, muffled screams and cries echoing throughout the room as Hoseok kicked and stomped on him repeatedly. "Who the fuck do you think you are," he asked with a raised voice, kicking Samuel in his head. "You work for me! You are below me! You good for nothing piece of shit," he yelled, stomping Samuel's head into the ground harshly. "You don't do things to piss me off or these things happen!"

He quickly turned away from Samuel, walking back towards Taehyung as he glared at the other drug lords. "Get out," he demanded and they obeyed, shutting the door behind them. He gently rubbed Taehyung's back, trying to soothe the younger's cries of agony. He gently cupped Taehyung's face in his hands, brushing Taehyung's tears away with his thumbs as Taehyung stared into his eyes. He could see the spatters of blood all over Hoseok's face, but that didn't bother him in this moment. "H- Hoseok," he whimpered weakly, latching onto him once again. 

Taehyung's entire body shook with sobs as Hoseok gently cradled Taehyung between his legs. Taehyung gripped Hoseok's shirt in his fists, burying his face in Hoseok's chest. "Th- thank you," he whispered, inhaling heavily to try and breathe as Hoseok's scent filled his nose. He sobbed softly once more, slowly and finally calming down. Hoseok pulled Taehyung away from him slightly as Taehyung forcibly regained his composure. He didn't want to show Hoseok anymore weakness than he already had just moments before.

"Taehyung," he started steadily, staring into his large, watery eyes. "Do you still have that vibrator inside of you," he asked, biting his lip. Taehyung nodded gently as he laid on his back for Hoseok to see. Hoseok bit his lip as he pulled Taehyung back into a sitting position, standing up and walking towards Samuel. He didn't want to tell Taehyung he was bleeding from being stretched so much, in fear that he may collapse into tears again. Hoseok didn't know how to handle Taehyung's tears, which was why he trained him that showing emotion was a no in this industry. 

He couldn't blame him for the crying this time, the mental anguish he endured during those moments, Hoseok would never understand it. He kicked Samuel hard in his chest, causing him to groan in pain. He stopped when he heard Taehyung fall off the bed, glancing over at him. "Tae," he questioned, looking in the direction of the bed. He could see Taehyung trying to pull himself back up onto the bed. "S- sorry," he answered, peeking up over the bed slightly. "My legs buckled and I fell," he explained, slowly moving back up onto the bed.

Obsession [Vhope/Taegi/vkook 21+] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now