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"So I guess it is time for me to tell you all about me and Ciline, huh?" Yoongi looks down before biting his lip, he takes in a deep breath and slowly releases it, picking up his head and looking straight, "Ok, here goes....

Thirteen years ago—seems like it's been longer though—was the first time I've met Ciline. My father had told me that I was going to be training a girl who was almost half my age. I was only 6, so that makes her 3. My dad told me that it would take a few more years before we could properly start training her, so in the mean time he took up training me instead.

The training was never easy, I was too young at the time to handle a gun, so I had to learn to wield knives. But I was always slow, so I had gotten many warning scratches from my father's plastic one.

'You need to be faster than that,' he'd always say, 'If you're going to protect yourself and know how to attack, you need to be faster.'

Time after time again, I would only get a little faster, days turned to weeks, to months, to years. I had trained Ciline along the way when she reached the age of... I want to say 7, not letting up anything, unlike how my father treated me. I put all of my brute force into every swing, every punch, claw, kick, everything. And she took every last one. Good, I had thought, she would be stronger than me in no time.

But... she wasn't. She was still very weak. The only reason why I know that... was because one day I had come home to hearing grunts and shouts and cries, I knew my father and Ciline were sparring without me, I hadn't sensed any danger. So I walk into our training area and what do I see? Ciline with so much blood pouring from her stomach, her arms, her legs, with my father on top of her, knife at her neck.

'Father?!' I shrieked, 'Wh-What are you doing?!'

He never answered me, instead he had moved the knife from Ciline's throat and trailed it along her chest, the harder he pressed, the harder she cried.

'Yoongi!' She sobbed, 'He's hurting me, make it stop, please!'

I had taken a step forward and my dad had plunged the knife beside her head, severing a few locks of her hair.

'You wanted her to be stronger, little Yoongi.' My father's voice was dark, otherworldly, 'You thought I was being too soft on her, well how about now? Am I too soft now?!'

I don't know what sparked in me, whether it was seeing Ciline frightened and crying, my father going batshit crazy, or what. But I drew my throwing knives and shot them towards my father's face and neck. That was the most accurate I had ever been, the quickest I've ever attacked. My father's dead body dropped on its side, and Ciline wriggled free. She had ran to me and dropped halfway there, so she crawled the rest of the way, wrapping her bleeding arms around my legs.

Sobbing harder, she muttered, 'I almost died, I almost died, I could've died, oh my God.' Over and over again.

I was... frozen. To say the least. It was the first time I had ever killed someone. The first time I had ever saved someone... it felt... good. It felt good to kill, it felt good to protect Ciline. It was such a rush I didn't want it to end, and I knew Ciline didn't want it to end either.

I was only fourteen when my father had attacked her, and she was twelve. I helped nurture her back to health, my mother had taught me everything about patching up deep wounds, what remedies would clot blood, thin it, I knew how to make numbing paste, and I knew how to stitch... everything that my mother taught me was needed for me to heal Ciline's cuts, and they did heal, thank God. And the scarring isn't noticeable, she had been out in the sun and the scarring soon looked like the rest of her skin.

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