Chapter 7

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You wake up to a dark hospital room, your body felt numb and your mind was hazy. You were heavily sedated, you remembered this feeling. You hated how disorientate it made you feel, but the hatred simmered away because of the drugs.

You test your mobility like you always did, you flexed your fingers, you rotated your wrists, you wiggled your arms, and you slowly tilt your head from side to side. When you feel as if you've got enough strength, you try to sit up in your bed. You feel a head rush and you press a hand to your eyes, dizzy.

"Mom...? Dad...?" Your voice is hoarse as you look to see your parents at your side. Your eyes well up with tears and you look at them to see their sympathetic faces, "Please.... tell me....

Did I kill her...?"


Namjoon wakes up to a heart attack to hear his alarm going off. He groans and turns it off, his head throbbing from him being suddenly disturbed from sleep.

Namjoon smiles to himself after a few moments, he whispers, "I get to see her today." At the thought of seeing you at school, it gave Namjoon something to get ready for, to look good for, something to look forward to.

He gets dressed, ties his tie, styles his hair the way you say you like it, and he looks at himself in the mirror. He feels handsome, he feels giddy, he feels confident.

'Is this what they mean when people say they feel like a "school girl"?' Namjoon raises a brow as he thinks before shaking his head and his ever present grin shines brighter, 'Well if it is, then I'm one bomb chick.'

Namjoon stares at his reflection a little longer, playing with a cow lick hanging in front of his face. He looks over his shoulder when he hears shuffling around, he recognizes the footsteps to be his mother—she's always lighter on her feet than his father—and goes back to messing with his hair.

"You're up early," Namjoon comments as he struggles to get the piece of hair back into place, his mother sighs and it causes him to look at her, "What's wrong?"

"Honey... something happened at school yesterday," Namjoon immediately freezes and his instant thought was something bad happened to you, he held his breath and his eyes are wider than saucers, "Your friend is in the hospital and the police want to ask you questions of what you know."

"But mom, I don't know anything!" Namjoon begins to panic as he thinks of the multiple scenarios that could've gotten you into the hospital, none of them came close to what actually happened, "I knew I should've waited with her, now she's hurt!"

"She's not physically hurt, not really," Namjoon's mother steps closer to her son that's looking down at her, she gently wraps a hand around Namjoon's arm and lightly sighs, "She attacked another student, Namjoon."

Namjoon looks down at his mother in disbelief, "That's— why would she ever do that?"

"They won't say, I just know that you're not going to school today, and you aren't allowed to see Y/N until after you give the police what you saw."

Namjoon's shoulders slump, his head swims with worry, were you alright? Was anyone worried about how you were?

With a tight chest, Namjoon walks slowly back to his room to get out of his uniform and to crawl back into bed, he can't help but tear up at the thought of you being alone in all of this mess, that no one would stick up for you. He's worried about what will happen to you, and at the thought of you crying because you're scared about this situation makes his own tears slip.

"I don't care what happens, I won't dare see you any other way than for who you are." Namjoon vows with a restricted voice, his brow cinched together and his teeth clamped shut. He balls his sheets into his fist and he stares off into nothing with a determined look.


The next day, you were in the middle of your police questioning and you stare at your hands as they ask you questions, and you answer with no emotion, your eyes are dull and tired for all of the testing they did to look at your brain. You had been up all night and you were drained and agitated.

"Just to clarify," A male detective paced back and forth in front of your bed, you lazily look up at him with disinterest, "You say that you have 'no idea' what happened?"

"No," Your tired voice sounds, "I said that, 'Song Jae Hwa kept harassing me, she yanked my hair, and spat in my face, and threatened to hit me—which she did do, she hit me in the head—and I tried my hardest to get away from her. I kept walking away when every other person would've attacked her as soon as she confronted them. Then she tackled me and began to hit me over and over and over, and my calming routine didn't work anymore, and I blacked out... I don't remember what I did to her after that, but I know that something did happen, I know I hurt her, but not to any extent.'"

"So you knew that you attacked her?"

"Of course I did, that's what happens when I black out."

"So you're admitting you're guilty?"

"I see of it as more of a self defense claim, she did attack me first, remember?"

"But you aren't the one in the coma." The words hit you, but this isn't anything new.

You're used to being seen as a monster.

You take a long breath intake before closing your eyes and drooping your head, "I want you out of my room. Now, please."

The officer collected his things and headed towards the door before looking over his shoulder and glaring at you, "This is only the beginning, you will be repaid for what you've done."

"If I'm to be punished for trying to defend myself, then I'm glad she's in the coma, it's what she deserves if I'm gonna be punished as well."

The door shut and clicked, you brought yourself closer and let out a long breath. You were worried, worried for what was to come, what people were going to think of you once word gets around to everyone. The word that you attacked Jae Hwa, that you have a weird condition where you grow violent and lose consciousness....

That you are a monster.

Your Pocket Monster (Kim Namjoon x reader) (HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ