Chapter 15

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From the arcade, Namjoon led you to the carnival, where the first thing he did was buy you your funnel cake. Which you had to say, it was pretty good, and it was rather cheap. You had managed to get powder all over your face and shirt, and you pouted as you stared at the stain on your clothes.

"Hey, I'll be back. I should probably clean this up." You say before you hand Namjoon your precious funnel cake.

You sped walked to the nearest bathroom, avoiding the people in your way and making a bee line to your destination. You quickly grab a paper towel and brush off most of the powder, then you wet the paper towel to get off the powder that left behind. You grabbed a new one and lightly wiped away what was on your face.

You heard the door to a stall click open and thunderous footsteps came to a sudden stop. You raise a brow and looked into the mirror, Jae Hwa. You furrowed your brows before you went back to cleaning yourself up.

Jae Hwa let her head drop before she went to the sink next to yours. Her big eyes kept glancing at you out of fear before she would snap her attention back to her hands. You purposely slow your motions and watched her like a predator does its prey.

You decide to speak, "Haven't seen you in awhile." Your voice was calm, you spoke your words slowly.

Jae Hwa flinched when you spoke and her hands shook as she went to grab paper towels, "T-That it has."

"How're your wounds?" You ask with the outmost concern that you could muster, from what the cops had said, you hurt her pretty badly.

"They're fine..." she said hesitantly, "Yours?"

"They're all healed by now." You turn to look at her and she glances at you, "Who're you with today? I'm sure you're not here alone, are you?"

"N-No, I'm not alone. I-I'm here with a friend."

You raise a brow and smile as sweetly as possible, somehow that set Jae Hwa more on edge, "Oh? Is it a special friend?"

"N-Not like that at all!" She waves her hands in front of her in defense, "He just wanted to take me to the carnival since I've been... kinda depressed lately."

You nod your head in understanding, "Well, I have to get back to my date, he's probably worried about me. But I hope you have fun tonight!" You wave goodbye before you walk out of the bathroom.

Jae Hwa stands there confused as she grips the paper towel tightly in her hand, "Th-Thank you?"

Jae Hwa lets out a shaky breath before she turns to throw her paper towel away and swiftly walks out of the bathroom. With her head bowed, she got to one of the carny booths and stands next to her tall figured friend.

"They're here," she says shakily, "They're both here."

"Good," a smile can just be heard in his voice as she feels an arm wrap around her waist, "Do you know where they're headed?"

Jae Hwa shakes her head and flinches as she feels the arm tighten around her, "She left before I could ask!"

She hears a sharp breath intake before the hot air hits her ear, the voice was gruff and authoritative, it made her shiver, "Find. Her. Now."

"Ok, ok, just don't hurt me!" She was pushed to get herself moving, and she tripped on her own foot. She stumbles a bit before she maintains her balance, looking back at the man before she quickly makes her way to find you. Her heart pounds heavily in her chest, her breathing was shaky.

'I'm sorry....' Jae Hwa thinks as she moves fluidly between people, her eyes welled with tears, 'But I can't do this to her. I have to warn them. I'm not going to let you hurt them...'

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