Chapter 6

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Namjoon and Yoongi have been plotting on how Namjoon can ask you out properly, and not look like a bumbling idiot when he speaks. It's been a few months since they've begun plotting, having to change their plans every so often because of how close you and Namjoon had begun to get, he started to know more of the things you like; your favorite flower, your favorite color, your favorite place to be, food, clothing style, hobby, Namjoon learned it all, and Namjoon remembered it all. How could he ever forget? Something that's precious to you turned something that's precious to him, he wanted to remember everything when he would go to ask you out.

The plan seemed simple in a narrow sense, have a bouquet of your favorite flowers—in your favorite color—invite you to a restaurant that served your favorite food, go through a walk through your favorite place that leads to you both doing one of your favorite hobbies, and when it was time for you guys to depart, he'd drop you off at home and leave you with a gift of a nice burgundy sweater dress that you've been eyeing for a long time. It wasn't too expensive so he thought it was the perfect present.

All he needed was to know your dress size.

And that seemed like the hardest thing to ask nonchalantly.

Namjoon tenses up a bit when you sit down in front of him with your lunch, he has a forced smile on and you raise a brow. You carefully smile back and tilt your head.

"What's going on..?" You ask as you stare at the grinning boy.

"Nothing." Namjoon says as he begins to pull out his lunch, "I look forward to lunch everyday, I get to have you to myself for once."

"Mmh," You hum as you take a bite of your food, "Now you want me."

"I never—" Namjoon chokes on his words, he caught himself again, this isn't the first time he's almost said something embarrassing.

But they didn't go unnoticed, sometimes you would try to get what he said out, sometimes he would say it, others... he'd have tight lips.

"So, dummy, how's everything been going?" You ask as Namjoon let's out a light cough.

"Well," Namjoon starts, "I was wondering what your dress size was?"

You raise a brow, but you tell him your dress size anyways, "Why?"

"Just curious, didn't you ask me for my suit size yesterday?" You immediately blush and nod your head.

"That's because you asked for my shoe size."

"And didn't you ask for mine?"


Namjoon smirks, "How's your classes going?"

"Good, boring, long, would rather be doing other things." You groan and lean your head in your palm, "It's nothing unusual."

"Seems like it—" Namjoon shouts out and whips around when he feels something cold spilling down his back. He bolts up and looks down at a grinning girl holding a cup of iced coffee.

"What the hell was that for?" Namjoon shouted and you immediately ran off to get him paper towels. The girl looks at him with a feline grin and she shrugs.

"Thought it would look better all over you instead of in my cup." She laughs and Namjoon groans as you come back with a whole bunch of paper towels, "Oh, look, you have a slave to help you."

"Excuse me?" You growl as you slowly turn your attention towards the girl and she gives a high pitched squeal.

"Awh, look, she thinks she's scary." The girl flutters her lashes and rests a hand on her nonexistent hip, "So, what hole did you find her out of? Because no woman of any class would ever want to hang out with scum like you."

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