Chapter 21

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The next morning had came, and Hoseok was wide awake. You had just left to get ready for school, which left Hoseok alone to be able to get all of Jungkook's checkups done as quickly as possible. Hoseok beamed when he heard the doctor say that Jungkook will be healthy soon, and that he'll be discharged home.

Home... will they actually let Jungkook leave with him? After all, the doctor threatened to get Jungkook taken away. Was he just trying to scare him?

Hoseok glances at his friend who mindlessly watches the small tv in their room, barely able to hear what it's saying. Hoseok looks from Jungkook to the floor and a frown covers his face. He didn't want Jungkook to be taken away. He can take care of him, he can! It's just... been hard when Jungkook got severely sick. Parents struggle with finances when their children are sick, right? Right?

Hoseok picks at his nails, he was being ebbed away from the anxious pit in his stomach. He wanted to just take Jungkook and run back home, but Jungkook still needed his treatments.

Hoseok rests his head against the back of the chair and closes his eyes. A few moments of rest won't hurt him. Even when his mind swam the entire time.


Hoseok bolted awake when he hears the screaming, his heart thrummed in his ears and his eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. Did he really sleep that long?

"Hobi!" He heard Jungkook struggle and Hoseok rushes down the hall to see two men trying to haul him away, "Stop! Let me go, Hobi!"

"Kookie?!" Hoseok begins to chase after them, "Kookie!"

"Let go of me, let me go!" Jungkook snatches his arm free and lands a punch on the man who held his other arm firm. He landed a kick to the groin on the one who grabbed at his sides, "Why are you doing this?! Someone, help me!"

Hoseok caught up to the three and he thrashed one of them to the floor, punching him in the face over and over, "Don't you dare touch him!"

Jungkook was still struggling with the other man. His smaller, younger body was no match for the man. The man hauled Jungkook over his shoulder and began to carry him away.

Hoseok heard another one of Jungkook's shrieks and begins to hunt the two down. People began to swarm the hallways when they hear Jungkook's shouts, beginning to crowd Hoseok's way. He had to shove a woman to the side to continue his trail.

"Out of the way! Can't you see he's stealing my friend?!" Hoseok screams as he grows ever closer, "Kookie!"

"Hobi, please!" Jungkook cries as he begins to kick and thrash about, "Please, I'm scared!"

Hoseok was finally able to grab the shirt of the kidnapper and stopped him in his tracks. The man stumbled and almost dropped Jungkook.

"Let him go, you bastard!" Hoseok shouts and angry tears stream down his face, "Let go of my brother!"

"Your brother?" The man stops struggling, "I was told you stole him."

"St-Stole him?" Hoseok hesitates, and that's all the man needed to punch him on his temple. A loud ringing goes through his ears, Hoseok clinches his eyes as pain warps through his brain. Hoseok opens his eyes to blurry vision, he can hear Jungkook screaming again and Hoseok tries to run after them. His knees buckle underneath him and he falls to the ground. His head throbbing, his tears never ending.

"Hobi!" Jungkook's drawn out cry was the last thing he heard, before Jungkook disappeared.

"Kookie..." Hoseok whimpered before he went unconscious. The crowd in the hallways only stood in shock, no one moved to help, no one went after Jungkook, no one tried to approach Hoseok. The two boys were separated,

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