Chapter 18

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Jae Hwa takes a shaky breath as she stared at her hands, "It's not a very good story, but... I'll tell you."

You gently look down at her as she closes her eyes to vividly remember everything that happened.

"This was after I had gotten out of the hospital when you... blacked out. I was walking after school near where I lived and this... this guy stops me out of nowhere and started asking me if I knew you. I hadn't ever seen him before, but I was still rather angry with you... so I told him I knew you, I began to tell him everything I knew about you. And he promised me I would get revenge... but, that was before.."

Jae Hwa opened her eyes and looks at you, her solemn eyes looked at you and you give her a reassuring smile. A tear slips down her cheek and her throat begins to burn as she holds back her cries.

Her voice cracks, "But when I saw you at the carnival, and you asked me how I was doing.... I felt your genuine concern for me and.. I regret ever making any plans with that man. Lee... I ... He hired me as a scout, to follow you, to keep track of your movements so... he could hire a hitman to kill you."

Your face flushed in shock and you furrow your brow, "A hitman?"

Jae Hwa nods, "He never told me why, just that he was 'avenging' someone... so that night, at the carnival, I didn't tell him where you and Namjoon were... and he took it as me betraying him so... he punished me."

You tried to process the information you were told. You had a hit on you? But who even was this "Lee" person?

"Y/N?" You pick your head up and look at her in the eyes, she seemed worried for your life, "Stay alert. He's still going to hire the hitman, he's still going to tried to get you killed."

You nod your head, "What about you? I'm sure he knows you're not dead... what will he do to yo—"

"I don't care what he does to me, look at what he's already done. I'm basically already a dead girl." Jae Hwa laughed dryly, "What's it matter?.... Don't worry about my life..."

"Do you... do you know who the hitman is?"

Jae Hwa slowly shook her head, "Just watch out for Lee Sanghyuk, he's not going to let you live... do what you need to do to survive. No matter the cost."

"Look, I know you're trying to warn me. But I highly doubt this guy is actually going to hire a hitman on me. And if he is, how can he possibly find me? You were his scout, right? You aren't on his side, so he's out of help—"

"He knows where you live! He knows your name, your schedule, the only thing he doesn't know... is that you're here right now. Because if he did... we'd both be already dead."

You stand up and lightly pat her bed, "I think I'll be ok, thanks for your help, get well soon."

"Why don't you value your life?" Jae Hwa asks you as she tilts her head, "I thought you loved Namjoon."

You stopped moving and you stared at her, "I do—"

"Then why don't you want to live?"

"I don't know why you're asking me this question, but I think it's time for me to leave." You turn your back on Jae Hwa and begin to walk away.

"Watch your back," you stopped again, "You never know who's going to stab it."

"I think I'll manage." You close the door behind you, shaking off any unnerving feeling of the things she said.

You were halfway down the hall when you begin to replay what she said, you shake your head, dismissing it, 'She's probably high off pain meds, delusional... yeah.'

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