Chapter 24

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You could not believe how childish this hitman was that was supposed to be protecting you, he lead you to a dog park, of all places. He chases dogs, throws their toys for them to bring it back, while you stood and watched. Your eyes were bugged out and you were paranoid, Jae Hwa wasn't lying to you after all, you truly had a hit out for you.

And one of the men who had accepted was being chased by a Pomeranian.

"Y/N! C'mon! Let's have some fun! Look at these guys, aren't they just adorable—"

"How can you be so calm right now?" You slightly snap and Taehyung's smile falters and he pouts.

"Grouch," he insults you as you cling to your body, "They won't find you here, now try to blend in at least! You stick in the mud!"

"Now I see why people deem you a child," Taehyung glares daggers at you before quickly approaching you, he stares down at you with cold brown eyes and you shudder.

"If you want to risk dying, then I will leave right now." His voice was stern, "If you want to live, then I suggest you get your ass out there and start playing with those adorable little balls of fluff!"

"Ok, ok, jeez. I'm sorry." You hold your hands up in defense and Taehyung cracks a smile before flicking your forehead.

"Wonderful!" And before you knew it, Taehyung was chasing dogs again.

"What the hell is my life...?"


Ciline carefully makes her way to the bathroom, her feet soft against the floor as she tried not to wake Sanghyuk. Her body burned in pain with each step she took. She had to resort to limping and almost flinched when she turned the light on and saw the marks on her skin. Sanghyuk was not gentle, scratches and cuts marred her arms and legs. Ciline looks in the mirror and sees the large bruise of a hand that was once tightly wrapped around her throat.

"This will take weeks to heal," Ciline sighs as she scans her bare body for every last cut, bruise, and bite mark, "Maybe even months... I'll have to wear clothes all the way up to my chin and all the way down to my ankles."

CiCi rolled her head from side to side before deciding it was time for her to flee Sanghyuk's estate. She quietly snuck into Sanghyuk's room and grabbed her clothes, she threw them on and slipped her way to the roof. Just like her suspicions, Yoongi was still waiting for her. His eyes gleamed in the moonlight as he stared at her in disbelief.

"You took contract." CiCi's hair flared up in the wind, causing her hair to look like a lion's mane.

"I had no other choice—"

"Of course you did," Yoongi swore, "You could've said 'no'!" Yoongi crept towards her, his eyes narrowing and soon half of his face was covered in shadows, "You could've killed him!"

"I could be doing a lot of other things besides arguing with you on a rooftop!" CiCi snapped, "I'm going home, you can follow me or not. But I don't want to hear another word about my contract until I get home."

"You're out of your mind."

"I'm doing it for you!" CiCi hisses before she scales down the house and breaks off into a sprint for home, Yoongi catching up to her easily and slowly takes the lead, CiCi slows her pace down a bit as she watches Yoongi disappear from her vision, "I do it all for you..."


CiCi closes the door and presses her forehead against it as her fingers softly turn the lock. She felt sick to her stomach, from the running, and her reliving the moments she had before returning home.

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