Chapter 16

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"Help me!"

Your head snapped into the direction of the screech, your grip on Namjoon's hand tightened and you felt your stomach drop.

"Did you..?" Namjoon nodded to confirm your suspicion.

"Who was that?" Namjoon says as you both quickly walk over to the source of the sound. The screech kept replaying in your head and the hair on the back of your neck stood on end. You let go of Namjoon's hand and break out into a sprint, he not too far behind you.

"Jae Hwa!" You shout out, "Jae Hwa! Where are you?!"

"Help me, please!"

"Jae Hwa?" You spot the broken girl not too far away from where you now stood, your heart lodged itself in your throat, "Jae!"

You practically slid to reach her side and you checked her pulse, "Call an ambulance, now!" Her pulse was faint, however your own were about to blast out your eardrums. Who did this? Why would no one help her? How long had she been here?

"Jae? I need you wake up, c'mon." You coax, trying your best to aid her as best as you can, you didn't really know what to do. Your hands were shaky as you tried your best to figure out a way to help the literal broken girl.

"They're on their way," Namjoon said and you nodded as you stared at her, her breathe were slight, and you could feel her body getting cold.

"Namjoon, your jacket." You say as you begin to strip your own off, "She's freezing."

You make haste with wrapping the jackets around her, your eyes start to water and your bottom lip began to tremble, "Joonie, what if we're too late?"

"Don't think like that," Namjoon says as he stoops down beside you, "It'll be ok, I promise."

You allow him to envelop you in a hug as hot tears stream down your face. About five minutes later, you heard the sirens and saw the flashing lights...


Jae Hwa was on her way to warn both you and Namjoon about what was going to happen to the both of you if you didn't leave, now. She snapped her head side to side as she ran from one attraction to the next, looking with a sharp eye for the both of you.

She didn't dare call for your names, it'll only draw attention to herself,

And get her in trouble.

She ran from a ride, to a booth, back and forth in a bee line. She couldn't find you anywhere. She stopped and huffed out a puff of air in defeat. Where could you have gone?

'I hope they aren't on a ride..' Jae Hwa thought as she began to look around again, she began to slowly walk, scanning from one side to the next. A group of people slowly walked by her, giving her a weird look as she split the group in half as she walked through them.

Jae Hwa finally spotted the backs of your heads at the carny game. Her eyes flashed with hope, she began to run towards you, her mouth opened to let out a call.

Before an arm grabbed her and pulled her away.

Jae Hwa was stunned, she couldn't figure out who was holding her. But she kicked and flailed around, trying to get free. She watched as she was drug away, people not even bothering to look at her. She began to cry as she kicked and screamed, only for a hand to press firmly against her mouth.

Your Pocket Monster (Kim Namjoon x reader) (HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now