Only Fools...

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Author: LunaCresta

Username: LunaCresta

Book Title: Only Fools...

Why your book deserves to be read?: Well doesn't every book deserve to be read?? If someones put as much effort as I, and many other writers, have I think we deserve some recognition.

What do you like about your book?: The thing I like most about my book is probably the character Matthew!! So many other people that have read the book agree with me and want to marry a Matthew one day! ;)

What will others like about your book?: My book has a lot of heart and is probably different to any other teen-fiction book they've read. As an author I withhold a lot of information from the reader as opposed to just telling them everything about my main protagonist on the first page. Also, without giving too much away, I'm not really one for happy endings. I find them too cliche and try my best to end my stories with as much diversity from other's in the genre as possible! Also I think that if you're a girl then you'll love my male characters! There's someone for everyone! :P

Genre: Romance (technically teen-fiction but I wouldn't necessarily call it that!)

Inspiration for your book: My life. It's not autobiographical by any means but I've put together different aspects of my life to create Jess' story.

Link to story:

Book description (Blurb): Jess has had a rough time of it lately. When she gets shipped off to a catholic boarding school, she’s sure that her time there is going to be boring as hell. However, she realises pretty soon that life is just about to get interesting and now she has to make the hardest choice she’s ever had to.

Jess knew she’d learn a few lessons from going to catholic school, but she never guessed that the one to stay with her the longest would be that ‘only fools fall in love’.....

Things you want the reader to know, or SHOULD know?: This book is for anyone who knows what it's like to be in love.


Check it out maybe? :D

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