Awesome Book Of Promotions!

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Hey there! Welcome to HappToHelp's Awesome Book of Promotions. As you all might have already guessed, I'm a promoting account. I am here for the sole purpose of helping you awesome and wonderful authors out there. It can be hard to get your story or stories noticed here on Wattpad, so that's why I have created this book to make it less harder.

In This Book, you'll find numerous books which you might like, or might not like.  But give everyone a chance, though, they deserve it. Most of these authors, if not all, have put a lot of effort into their work and there is nothing more heartbreaking than to have nobody notice it. If you find a story that catches your interest, please, I ask you to check it out and give it your support. They would love comments and votes, if you like their story or stories.

Also, if you would like your story or stories to be in this book, all you have to do is message me saying so. I am very friendly, so don't worry. I'll be more than happy to help.

So, that's all I have got to say! :)


* Please be nice to everyone and don't be rude.

* If you come across a book or story you don't like, go past it and don't go complaining.

* If you have something you want to discuss, feel free to PM me.

*Give everyone a chance and don't judge a book by it's cover!

*Comment, Vote and Fan if you really enjoyed someone's story. Don't hesistate to tell them how much they rock or how much you enjoyed their work!

*If you want your story in here MESSAGE ME! :P

*Have Fun!


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