Last Priority

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Author: xxKeepGoingxx

Why your book deserves to be read: I'm not very keen on answering these kinds of questions, makes me seem boastful. XD But if an answer is needed, is because I guess my book is not very cliche and is different. :)

What do you like about your book: It's not up to me to answer that question, how about YOU tell me. :)

What will others like about your book: Hmm, tough question because everybody has different taste, but I'm guessing my weird writing skills. XD

Genre: Romantic and Werewolf. :)

Inspiration for your Book: It was a tiny scene from Letters to Juliet. XD :)

Link to story:

Book description: "Leave me alone," She whispered to him with a broken tone.

"But I love you," He said softly, caressing her cheek and looking deeply into her eyes. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes, she couldn't take this anymore.

She looked at him with betrayal and hurt seeping through her eyes and said "No you don't. You never had and you never will,"


She was a happy girl once. Laughing and fooling around with her friends at lunch and cracking the most silliest jokes. But she isn't anymore.

All because of HIM.

Last Priority.

Last Concern.

Last thought.

Was what Audrey Mitchels was. Even after finding her mate, Xavier Woods, you think he would make her number one? Well you thought wrong. She was ignored, pushed aside and non existent to him. Why didn't he reject her? Because he needs HER to become the Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack.

But what happens when things don't go according to plan? Will he change for the better? Or will it all be a lie? Keep reading to find out.


This girl is just too adorable for you not to read her books. She will kill you with kindness and I guess that's the kind of death that everyone deserves :P or maybe not, lol.

So what are you waiting for? Click the link!

Awesome Book Of Promotions!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora