Life With The Marauders

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Title: Life With The Marauders (English Version)

Author: Laurentien

Username: Cupcake_LoverXXX

Why your book deserves to be read?: Because it is a new story about the Marauders

What do you like about your book?: Even if it is a Fanfic it is an original story.

What will others like about your book?: That it is an original story

Genre: Fanfictie

Inspiration for your book: The Harry Potter books

Link to story:

Book description (Blurb): Maggie is a Pure Blood Witch who knows not much about the wizarding world. She can go this year for the first time to Hogwarts but she has a gift. And she can't control it. There are special rules made for her but do they work? Maggie becomes friends with Sirius, James, Lily, Remus and Peter but what happens if they find out about her secret? And wat will happen if Maggie falls in love with Sirius?

Link to cover (optional):

Things you want the reader to know, or SHOULD know?: This is my first book in English. I am a Dutch person so there will be some mistakes made.


If you are a fan of Harry Potter or are into magic, then you should definitely check this out! As always, please don't forget to comment and vote if you like it!! :)

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