Devil with the Angel Eyes (Fanfic)

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Author: SariaAhmed

Username: SariaAhmed

Why your book deserves to be read?: I put a lot of hard work and care into this writing. It's different from other fanfictions out there and I hope it will make you question your opinions what makes people evil.

What do you like about your book?: I like how the main character is a sociopath, but still has human emotions. She's got reasons for doing what she does, and it's not just because she's evil. I'm very, very proud of the work I've done on this series.

What will others like about your book?: If you ever wanted to read a story told from the perspective of a violent character, you'll like this. Kite Runner fans will enjoy the route I'm taking with exploring Assef's character, I hope.

Genre: Fanfiction

Inspiration for your book: Read the book Kite Runner in school and wanted to explore Assef's character more than what was seen in the novel. Also wanted to write a story wherein the big brother was a villain and the little sister character DIDN'T have to stop him/save the world from him.

Link to story: (I'm having trouble posting new chapters here, so please follow the link to read.)

Book description (Blurb): Saria Ahmed is Assef's little sister, a charming, half German girl with bright blue eyes and blonde curls. On the surface, she seems the perfect child, but underneath her angelic exterior lies the heart of a dangerous and deranged killer, one who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Before reading, ask yourself, 'Do you want to play'

Link to cover (optional):

Things you want the reader to know, or SHOULD know?:


Well this is something different so hope you people check it out. Even I'm interested now :)

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