All's Fair in Love and War

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Author: themaskedauthoress

Username: themaskedauthoress

Why your book deserves to be read?: I have a love and passion for writing and I always make sure to put all that passion in my books. I'm not perfect but I believe that can make someone happy with my romances, make some laugh and even gain some knowledge on how to make the next one better. :)

What do you like about your book:I love the fact that my main character, Mynera, has such awesome skills that females in her time could never have. She's an Amazonian priestess :)

What will others love about your book?: My main character's personalityL stubborn, independent, witty and sarcastic. Plus the romance, love triangles and jealousy between she and the prince. Plus there's action.

Genre: Historical Romance

Inspiration for my book: My favorite game: Fire Emblem. The settings and the made up storyline just makes me so happy :)

Link to story:

Book description: Set in medieval times, it is no surprise that, as a lady, Mynera's duty is to marry the crown prince of the Five Nations and rule as a just queen under her husband. She's heard this since she was just a child and there was no getting out of it, no matter how much she had prayed.

But, her prayers have been answered, even if it was not exactly what she expected. There will be no marriage, but at the cost of war. Traitors from the east attacked the castle and Mynera is taken out of world of servants and luxuries and into a world of blood and fighting.

She will soon find out that she possess more skills than she thought.

Things the reader should know about: This is a made up world set in the year 802


Hey there my darlings!

Another promotion for another deserving author! This story sounds amazing so far! I mean, an Amazonian priestess?  HAhaha I think i'm more like Mynera!

So please check it out and spread the love! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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