Everything Just Happened Unexpectedly

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Author: unhskikr4ever

Username: @unhskikr4ever

Why your book deserves to be read?: I tried my best to make it unique and readable. :D Although it's cliche, I have tried to make it different. This is what I usually want to read in a book and I'm trying to write it down myself. That's why I hope people who has the same taste as me would actually stay to read on. :)

What do you like about your book?: I like the fact that I wrote down what I want to happen in real life and something that can actually happen in reality but I know it's kind of impossible. That's why I wrote it down as a story, a book. Even I myself, can't wait for the future chapters.

What will others like about your book?: Although it's really cliche, the humor will probably entertain them, which I hope so. I hope they'll find that the characters I created are really unique and that they'll come to love them.

Genre: Romance/Teen Fiction/Humor

Inspiration for your book: All the authors on wattpad and other online books websites.

Link to story: http://www.wattpad.com/story/977466-everything-just-happened-unexpectedly-chapter-4-is

Book description (Blurb): Claire Hayes was just a normal seventeen year old student, living the life of a normal teenager. One day, she came home to find out that she alone had to move to another house. Yes, she's moving, alone, without her parents. It was then that her mother explained to her about everything that was happening and that she was involved in an arranged marriage. It happened so fast and unexpected. Little did she know who her husband-to-be was. After moving to the apartment, it is where the story starts and all the drama unfold. That is when everything just happened, unexpectedly.

Link to cover (optional): http://x.wattpad.net/cover/977466-256-93353.jpg

Things you want the reader to know, or SHOULD know?: I won't update daily or maybe weekly but I try my best to.

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