Subject A000H1

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Author: Hollie Collins

Username: hollie_chuu

Why your book deserves to be read?: I just really want to put my story out there and hope that people will enjoy reading it as much as i enjoy writing it.

What do you like about your book?: I like my story quite a lot (it would be pretty hard to write if i didn't like it) but most of all i like my main character, Ally. Even though shes a dangerous person and she's been through a lot, she still feels like she wants to help other people, despite her views on a lot of things being unreasonable and extreme.

What will others like about your book?: I hope that others are both fascinated and on edge about my book. I think some people will like the character construction of Ally and also her hidden smarts and abilities.

Genre: Paranormal, Horror (no vampires or werewolves)

Inspiration for your book: I watch and read a lot of paranormal based media, so i always feel the need for alienating my readers with stories of experiments gone wrong and strange people.

Link to story:

Book description (Blurb): Subject A000H1, or as she likes to call herself, Ally, is something a little more than human. Once locked up and tested on, Ally spent the first 14 years of her life in an Observation Room, carefully watched and poked at until she decided to make it all stop, escaping quietly and taking four lives along the way. Finally free, Ally decides to build up the life that she would've had, adopting herself into a kind family, attending school, and using her heightened abilities to improve the lives of the people around her, and take the lives of the people who do wrong. But there are still those annoying scientists that want her back in her cell where she belongs, the ones that will take her away at any cost, and the people who have uncovered her secret, hungry for power.


If you guys check out her story and read/comment, that would be awesome. She would really appreciate it, trust me :D

Awesome Book Of Promotions!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat