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Author: Loverinaaa

Username: loverinaaa

Why your book deserves to be read?:

What do you like about your book?: i like how the prologue ends with a cliff hanger that'll make everyone really wanting chapter 1!

What will others like about your book?: I thyink they will like how it's not a very common choice of genres! Romance and Thriller don't ever fit together, but in this story they will really join forces and make it an unbelievable book that makes everyone's mouth drop open.

Genre: Romance and Thriller

Inspiration for your book: This show called Revenge, and just my thoughts and how they came together!(:

Link to story: :

Book description (Blurb): Marley loves Blake. She fell in love with him the first minute she saw his blue grey eyes. She thinks he's perfect. Little does she know the secrets he keeps. The pain he brings. Josh tries to stop her, but she's too in love to listen. She puts everything on the line. Her friends, her family, her education, just to be with him. Will she realize the secrets, the lies, and the pain? Or will she be to late, and lose the thing she values most? Her life.

Link to cover (optional):

Things you want the reader to know, or SHOULD know?: This story won't always be lovey dovey!(: there will be painful parts so please be prepared! I promise there will be romance(:


Make sure to check it out. I've read it and it's very interesting and definetly something to look out for :)

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