Princess of Music

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Author: Olivia Leigh

Username: breathingmuisc4evr

Why your book deserves to be read?: I think that this will be a good story that will make people want to read the next chapter asap

What do you like about your book?: I like that since I kept the main character close to myself I can really add a lot of emotion to it and play off that.

What will others like about your book?: It is about a warrior princess/musician/awesome haha. They will have to read it to find out what they like.

Genre: Fantasy

Inspiration for your book: I was bored ad I thought it would be a cool story line

Link to story:

Book description (Blurb): (this was where I was wondering if you could write. I suck at writing descriptions.)  15 year old Leigh is an insecure, music loving princess? After being taken to another world where she is a beautiful princess, Leigh struggles to find the courage and strength to get home and stay alive. This makes her look back on herself and how she has been living.

Link to cover (optional):

Things you want the reader to know, or SHOULD know?:The main character is based on me so I really hope you like her and the way she finds herself. *Warning* The book does contain some epic elves and an evil king* :)

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