keith as a loser and lance being daddy material like always

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the writing is kinda bad at first with this one but it gets better at the end i promise and the plot is 👌

"He's so nice. I asked him if he could finish the project by himself since I needed to babysit my sister and he agreed. He's been here for only a month and he's already the most liked guy in school."

"Oh my god, yeah. I just saw him helping out the newspaper department since their photographer got sick last week. Super nice and super cute too. Do you notice how smooth his skin is?"

"Yeah but he's too nice. Didn't he help out Chris and Dylan? They've been doing shit to him all month and he still helped them tutor maths for free. He may be helpful but he's going to get himself stomped all over the place."


"Keith!" He turns his head around to the sound, smiling as usual as Patricia, a sweet blond comes running towards him. "Keith I really need a favor."

Keith bites his lip, eyebrows raising up. If he remembers correctly, he has Patricia's homework sitting half finished in his house already.

"Yeah what is it?"

"I have this thing on thursday but then I have to babysit my cousin at home," she explains, smiling nervously. Keith smiles for her to continue but he knows exactly what she wants already. He actually has plans for Friday. He's going to go ice skating with his little sister. "Can you maybe...fill in for me?"


"Excuse me," a voice interrupts him, "You're standing in front of my locker."

Keith smiles apologetically, "Ah sorry sorry." He steps back as the brown haired boy quietly gets between them and opens his locker.

"Look, I sort of promised my sister that we'll go ice skating on Friday.." Keith starts.

"Oh come on, Keith," Patricia whines, "Please I really need this favor."

"I-" Keith stops when he sees something flicker in Patricia's eyes. What if she thinks he doesn't care about her? A true friend should make sacrifices sometimes, right? He bites his lip. Fuck. Alright. Sorry, sis.

"Fine, I'll do it," Keith says finally.

Patricia squeals and hugs him tightly. "Thank you thank you thank you. You're the best, Keith."

Lance laughs nervously, nodding his head. "Haha...yeah."

He watches with a forced smile as Patricia runs off to her class as the bell rings. Another job to put on the list. His eyes jumps to the right when he hears the locker shuts close. The same brown haired boy looks at him with a knowing look in his eyes. His lips are twitched up into a small smirk.

The fuck you looking at? Keith wants to say but instead he smiles and waves as he quickly goes to his class as well.


He must be a new student, Keith thinks as he sees the same brown haired boy come inside his class and sits in the seat way on the left, that Keith thought is the seat of an Asian girl. He doesn't seem to feel new though, already having his books laid out out the table.

Hmph, Keith thinks. He leans towards Neil, his seatmate. "Hey, is that guy new?" He motions towards the boy, frowning when Neil's blue eyes shimmer in amusement.

"That's funny," he grins and pats Keith on his shoulder with the back of his hand before focusing back to the board.

What? What's funny?

Throughout the class, Keith found it extremely hard to focus on the teacher. Instead, he always found his eyes wandering back to a specific brown haired boy. He has never seen him before. And he is the only one that Keith doesn't have wrapped around his middle finger.

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