my life is a mess lol

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ok so ive been writing like a few ideas but idk whY everytime I do, I just kinda like stop, and then i never go back to it. Then I start a new one. So I thought why don't I just show you guys the barely written ones lol

au where lance and Keith's siblings are dating

"Why do you have to do this?" Hannah mumbles, pushing her long brown hair behind her pierced ear. They are in the car, Lance driving while she crosses her arms and leans back into the chair in annoyance.

"Because," Lance says before he makes a smooth turn, he glances at her for a while, "I just want to meet your new friend."

"Ugh you never do this with Robbin or Lindsay," Hannah says.

"Well because you don't really shove your tongue down their throats, now do you?"

Hannah flushes and she turns her head away. "I do NOT shove tongues down throats with Keeran."

Lance hums, a teasing smile on his lips. He makes another glance at her, and he smiles wider when she sticks her tongue out at him. "Okay. Whatever you say, little sis."


Keeran slids down the stairs, landing the floor with a loud thud. He runs a hand through his short, black hair and make his way to the kitchen, where his older brother Keith is cooking something.

He leans his head on Keith's shoulder and grins, "Are those French toast?"

Keith jerks, turning his head and slapping Keeran away with a frown. "Fuck, I told you not to do that."

Even with Keith being 3 years older, Keeran is way taller than him, standing a head taller with short hair and slightly lighter indigo eyes. Their personality differs completely like night and day. With Keeran being outgoing, friendly and sometimes loud, Keith is shy and timid and always telling Keeran to do things he doesn't want to.

"I have to bring Char to the vet," Keith reminds his little brother, sliding the toast down the plates. He grabs two forks and places them on each plate. "So I'm taking the car."

Keeran squawks from the table. "Wait! I need the car today."

Keith turns around with the plates and gives one to Keeran. "You don't even know how to drive."

"Oh yeah," Keeran hums, taking a bite of the toast, "but I kind of have a date today."

Keith looks at him. "Kind of have a date? Did she ignore you or something?"

"I mean-" Keeran pouts, "I thought you'd drive us there."

"You hoped that I can be your personal driver?"

Smiling hopefully and blinking profusely, Keeran tilts his head to the side, hoping his brother will fall for his cute charms. Everyone does.

Keith reaches out with his hand to pinch Keeran's cheeks in adoration. He has a soft smile in his face and Keeran cheers in success inside his head.

"Nice try."

Keeran drops his head on the table, groaning loudly and he doesn't have to look up to know his fucking sadistic brother is grinning down at him evilly. He sighs loudly but pushes himself up to eat the pancakes. At least the delicious food will make him feel a little bit better.

"Alright fine. Just so you know, you ruined my chance in showing Hannah how cool and dependable my older brother is and how he's always willing to-" he raised his voice, almost shouting when Keith pretended not to hear anything, face as blank as ever, "HELP HIS BROTHER IN NEED."

K L A N C E D // Klance One-shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن