drunk keith is the best keith part two

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also another thing to note, consent always come first even if the other person is your  significant other or not. i'm sorry I forgot to note that here but it is not okay to do anything to a person without their consent when they are in their right mind. thank you pls continue on :)


Lance sighs as Keith says his name for the 8th time in a minute. Not even a minute. It's still exactly 1 am. His arms are getting sore from carrying Keith on his back since his drunken boyfriend drank the spiked punch without noticing -Jesus, Keith can notice a strange situation in 0.1 seconds but he can't taste alcohol- and if Lance doesn't hold him down, he'll stumble away and do crazy shit like pole dancing.

Shit that will get Lance killed if the sober Keith knows.

"Yes?" Lance answers him again, bouncing his boyfriend up so he won't slip.

The mullet boy giggles, swinging his arms around Lance's neck a bit too tightly, but Lance doesn't mind.

"Nothing, babe. You're just so hot." He mumbles seductively, placing messy open-mouthed kisses along his neck.

Lance shivers. "Cut it out, Keith. You're drunk."

"I'm not drunk. I'm Keith!" He replies, leaning his forehead heavily on top of Lance's shoulder. Then Lance doesn't hear anything. The arms around his neck loosens a bit so Lance guesses he might have fallen asleep.

Sighing, he slowly makes his way through the dancing, sweaty crowd, eyes scanning for a particular guy.

"Hey. Drunk chick?" A dude comes up to him suddenly, gesturing his head to the limp body Lance's carrying. "Can I do her?"

What the fuck. Lance makes a face. "You? I don't think he will appreciate that. Fix your attitude first, dude, and maybe then girls might sleep with you."

Without waiting for a reply, Lance keeps walking until he reaches a group of people sitting in a circle playing cards. As he gets closer, a small girl looks up and smiles when she notices him.

"Lance! Hi! Come join us!" She says.

"Hey Pidge," Lance greets, "Can I go upstairs? Keith's drunk as fuck." He chuckles when Pidge gasps.

"Keith? Drunk? What?"

"Yeah, someone spiked the punch. He drank like 2 cups of it."

"Damn.. Oh well. Go to my room, first to the right!"

"Thanks Pidge," Lance says before making his way to the stairs. He sees Shiro sitting there with a sleeping girl leaning on him, his left arm around her protectively.

"Seriously, Shiro? Allura?" Lance asks but it doesn't sound like a question.

Shiro looks away awkwardly before gesturing to Keith with his head. "Seriously, Lance? Going to do my brother when he's drunk?"

"Fuck you, Shiro. I hope you never get married, you old fart." Lance says. Shiro scoots over to let him pass and Lance follows Pidge's direction to her room.

He sees a room with green door and a little 'Pidge' sign on it and goes inside.

The room is quite dark, the only light coming from the moonlight through the window beside the bed, yet Lance doesn't turn on the lights. From in front of the door, he can make out a few of Pidge's stuff; like a huge computer on a desk, a massive bookshelves filled with books, comic books sprawled on the carpet floor and- is that a Haikyuu poster on her closer door?

Softly, he drops Keith on the bed, smoothing out the hair that fell on his face. It's quite oily, but what does he expect when they've been outside partying the whole night?

He looks so peaceful. He always looks so peaceful when asleep, Lance realizes. Keith's always grumpy and frowning all the damn time when he's awake.. Of course, except when they're doing other stuff. That's a different emotion that only Lance can see.

Shit. Now he's hard.

Lance is about to turn to head to the bathroom to fix his problem when someone grabs his wrist and pulls him on the bed.

"Shit- Keith!" Lance gasps.

Keith crawls on top of him, giggling as he sees Lance blushing and looking away.

"I see someone's excited," Keith teases, grinding down hard onto Lance's obvious bulge.

"S-Shit. Keith," he groans when Keith giggles in content. "Come on, Keith. You're drunk."

"I am drunk. But I'm reaaally horny. So I guess it doesn't matter, huh?" He grinds down again, smiling even wider when Lance bits down a curse.

When Keith leans down to put his lips of Lance's, Lance grips both of his arms and rolls them over, putting a very flustered Keith below him.


"You're drunk so you cannot give consent," Lance says seriously, gazing hardly his blue eyes on hazy, dark violet ones. But his gaze softens when Keith pouts cutely. "But you're my boyfriend. And we have sex all the time. So I guess that's enough for me."

Smiling, Keith quickly pecks his lips, pulling away before whispering, "I love you."

Then Lance dives in and takes his mouth on his, sucking hard and desperate. He can taste a bit of alcohol on his lips, but he doesn't mind, instead he sucks harder, earning a soft moan from the boy beneath.

Biting Keith's lower lip, Lance smirks when he opens his mouth quickly and Lance wastes no time in pushing his hot tongue inside, swirling and exploring each and every cavern.

Fingers run ghostly under Keith's skirt, going up and up, leaving him breathless like a trail of fire. It stops at his chest, circling his hardened nub sensually before pinching it, making him gasp.

Lance keeps his mouth on him while his fingers do all kinds of magic on his nipple. When he does break the kiss, much to Keith's disappointment, he makes up for it by pulling Keith's shirt up and covering the other nipple with his mouth. Tongue wetly coating it with his saliva while Keith runs his hair through his boyfriend's dark brown hair.

"S-Shit. Baby," he gasps when Lance bites quite hard hearing the pet name.

Keith's cock twitches in response and he blushes when Lance looks at him teasingly. Okay fine. He has a bit of a masochistic streak. So what.

"Get on with it, Lance." Keith says, a silent warning apparent but he knows he wouldn't stop even if there's an earthquake.


His lips leaves his nipple, shiny with saliva, and trails down to his belly and to the part above his pants. Again, Lance looks up to him under long, flawless lashes.

"Good?" He says, voice dropping an octave lower. Fuck, that turns Keith on.

Nodding desperately -he's still drunk so it's easy to give in into his inner self-, he watches with lidded eyes as Lance unbuttons his jeans and tugs them down, embarrassingly showing his jet-black boxer with an equal embarrassing wet spot in the middle.

Lance leans in, eyes locked to his hazy, purple ones and sucks on the wet spot and Keith throws his head back and moans hard. He feels his boxer pulled down and he blushes when his dick strings up in excitement. Shit. Why am I so hard?

Tongue protrudes out from the Cuban boy's pink lips, licking slowly a long trail from bottom to top that has Keith curling his toes.

"C-Come on Lance," he gasps out, the grip on his boyfriend'd hair a bit tighter, "Don't play around."

Lance chuckles before engulfing him in one swift motion and Keith can't hold himself enough to choke down a loud moan that erupts from his mouth as Lance takes him deeper and deeper. He uses one of his hand to jerk the parts he can't swallow and the other to hold down Keith's erratic body that's shivering in pleasure.


K L A N C E D // Klance One-shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora